Crazy Keep-more-fish Scheme #537


Fish Gatherer
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Basically, I have two six gals that I want to divide to keep bettas in. I have a betta living in a plastic container because one of said six gallon tanks is being used as a hospital tank. But anyway. /offtopic

What I was thinking is: I live next to a creek. I can ride down the road and come back with bags bulging with river pebbles. Can I silicone them to make a wall inside the tank? The silicone I have sets in three days, aquarium safe in seven. So I'd glue another row every three days and then fill the tank to start cycling seven days after adding the last rock. Can anybody think of some reason why this won't work? There will be gaps in the rocks to let the water pass between them, but not bettas. I might leave enough space for otos to get through and then I can put some of those in it. That would mean no really tiny bettas - tough. I have some individual tanks for really tiny bettas. Anyway, the only 'really tiny betta' I can think of that I might want is the little plakat male that was sold to the LFS as a female. I'm seriously considering rescuing him because I'm scared the LFS will do something rash with him if he mauls another RTBS. (Yes, he shredded an RTBS. It was three times his size. As far as I know it barely survived. It's a good thing there are no betta fighters in my town. He's a good looking guy - what you think?)

Think this crazy scheme will work? The rock walls I mean, not the rescuing of rogue plakats, everybody does that :)

Thanks for any advice...

A rock background wall or a divider wall? Most importantly, test the rocks if they are safe for your tank. The vinegar drip test will tell you if they're good or nnot.
It's really difficult for me to imagine what you're saying. I'd need a picture of said pebbles. Are you planning to glue them to a background of some sort, or just pebble to pebble? I imagine pebbles as little penny sized rocks...hmm...

Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to leave spaces big enough for any fish to get through. Bettas are very curious and will try to get through any type of hole no matter how small, and then you'll be in a pickle.
Aquarium safe rocks siliconed to the background wall will work fine, don't overdue the silicone though. For a divider, I would use the divider wall and silicone rocks to both sides if thats what your going for, hopefully it's stable when done.

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