I'm Gettin' New Fishes!


Feb 2, 2008
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Urbana, IL
(This is why I need to find homes for my other guys!)

Weeee! I saw these fish on ebay, and just could NOT resist. I never received the MG female I had for my MG male, so I HAD to get them, and then I grabbed a female to go with my yellow male. My current yellow female hasn't shown any interest in him yet...

So, these are going to be the pairs I'll be focussing on...


And the new females




And the other new female

The other female for him is in my sig.
is that top male for Aquastar71 (Kit)? if it is his fish are stunning, i got the blue yellow male i am spawning from him and he gets more perfect every day
He is. I've had him for a couple months. I'm really kind of disappointed in him though. He's gradually eaten all those long beautiful fins away to nothing. :|

Nothing I do makes him stop. I moved him into his own tank, and he still did it. I put tons of plants in, and still... I don't know what to do, so I'm hoping that I'll get at least one decent spawn from him. They're finally starting to grow back, but I have a feeling that once they get long enough to where he can reach them, he'll be at them again. :blink:
really, thats such a shame...have you tried asking Kit about it? You have already done every thing i would suggest and maybe he knows something else that will make him stop, after all his fins are fine in that pic.

i hope you do get him to spawn, be interesting to see the fry you get out of the same matched pair. I put mine with a green gas to try and get some metallic in the colouring. Plus if hes any thing like his "brother" he will be excellent at making nests....thats a point have you tried putting a female near him that he can see? That might distract him enough to leave his tail alone
That's interesting. I'll ask Kit. I'm curious to see what I'll get too. I may get red and blues from the first spawn, but at least I'll have a nice enough female to cross them back to and try and get the MG with for the F2 if something doesn't work out with the guy.
I love your new fishys, when are they due to get to you?
They left Thailand last night, so should be in Colorado tomorrow...guess that means they should be here by weeks end!

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