New Home For My Fish


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I've recently bought a betta. I originally bought it as a centerpiece for a community tank. Well I found out a betta is not compatible with anything pretty much and my 29 gal doesn't really suit it (I read they should be in slower moving water and I use a power filter...) Anyway all that matters is that I've made a mistake and I am learning (which makes it a good mistake. So I'm gonna rehome it. I think it will do better in it's new home. I'm gonna buy a 2 maybe 3 gallon tank for it.

Which substrate is best? Sand or gravel, it likes to dig so I think maybe sand.

Plants? Fake or real? Will it just dig up the plants so would fake ones be better?

And I assume it really needs a sponge filter?

Also it's gonna be all new, and it will be uncycled. Can it handle being in a small uncycled tank?
Definitely get real plants, much better on the bettas fins, or if you must have fake, get silk rather than plastic.

I dont think anyone here would recommend putting any fish into an uncycled tank. Is it not possible to divide a section of you 29gal for the time being whilst you cycle the new tank (go for 3 gallons) so that you arent putting the betta at first with high levels of toxins? You could use widely available dividers, or even a breeding net...
Allot of my bettas don't have filters ad they are fine so yes he will be ok in an uncycled tank, it just means more waterchanges until it cycles.

Real are better when it comes to plants, but as has been said fake can be use as long as they silk.

You can use any substrate you want, i have marbles as a base for one of mine.

Glad you have decided to move him, you will see such a difference :good:
An uncycled tank will be fine for your betta. A lot of people don't use a filter at all and must do 100% water changes a few times a week, so, obviously the fish can live in an uncycled tank. Bettas can breath under the water, but they're surface breathers so don't really need the airation in the water as they can go to the top for air. Just try and get your water parameters right before adding the water to the tank. I personally prefer no substrate. It makes it much easier to remove uneaten food and waste-- which is essential in a small tank. I use java moss and java fern, but any type of low light plant that can float would be fine. Silk is also okay. Just make sure that it's soft so it won't rip the bettas fins. If you must go with a substrate, I'd go with sand, or pebbles. Sand b/c the crap doesn't get down in it like it does gravel, and pebbles b/c they're large enough that it makes for easier cleaning. I personally prefer the way sand looks though, if you need a substrate. :good:
Does my betta need anything else?

Which reminds me, how do I clean it? Do I just take the betta out then trash everything else in the tank. Put new water and substrate back in the tank. Then put the betta back then I'm done.
I would just take the betta out and put him in a jar with some of the tank water, then clean the tank like normal, with a vacuum...unless you're using sand. If sand and you're using a vacuum, push down on it a bit to get the gunk floating, then suck it out with the vacuum. You don't actually suck out the substrate (major d'uh, I know...sorry). You can also use a turkey baster to just pull the stuff off the top of the sand, but make sure you're actually replacing the water as well. When you go to pour new water in, if you lie some sort of bag over the sand and then pour the water in, you don't get all the cloudy stir up as much as if you just dump it in on top of the sand. If you're using regular substrate, just suck it out like normal. Once the water has settled, just add the fish back in. Make sure the parameters and temp are about the same though. :)
i leave my bettas in
i then siphon the water out with a funnel and hose, to get the dirty bits
i dont move anything in the tank, i just dig the funnel about in the sand a bit
then just fill it back up with water and it should be fine :D
I bought a new 2.5 gallon Minibow tsnk and a new betta. My other one died :sad:

But my new one is prettier.

Anyway will I need to be diligent and do water changes like every dday until it is cycled? Or if I spaced them out and did one perhaps twice a week would that be OK?

Why should you not let 2 bettas see eachother?

A 2.5 Gallon Minibow is a good size for s betta isn't it?
Every other day will be ok, just keep a check on the water stats.

Sorry to hear about your other betta.

Some of my males see each other 24/7, its just in some cases males some males get stressed out by it. Its good to give them a mirror to flare out now and then as it gived the excercise

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