What To Feed My Betta?


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I have some Betta food but I'm trying to find some other stuff to feed it.
I`m feeding my bettas with Atisons Betta Pro and live food once or twice a month. Hope that helps :good:
I mean like with the shrimp, you can't put normal sized pieces in, do you cut 'em up a chunk of shrimp is bout as big as the fish is. Do you feed 'em baby brine shrimp?
You can get live brine shrimp at most lfs and they are just right size. Never seen those giant brine shrimps you talking about :rolleyes:
I fed mine some brine shrimp and it really didn't go for it like I expected. Do bettas normally go nuts when they're given shrimp?
It's the main source of nutrition for my bettas and they love it. I buy it in the frozen cubes, thaw it out, and give them a few a couple times a day. They jump for it. It's good for conditioning as it's high in protein.
I fed actual frozen shrimp before, about medium size. I kept them in the freezer and at feeding time I would take out one and I'd try cutting tiny pieces off but I'd end up using my nails because I tried getting small pieces enough for my Bettas mouth, he would definitely eat the pieces small enough for his mouth. Then I switched over to Hikari frozen brine shrimp, all tropical fihs love it. They come in cube trays but one cube is way too much for a single Betta meal so u have to cut a small piece off from the cube and let it unthaw in a small cup filled with tank water, stirr it around and once its all free floating you pour it in and watch him go crazy for it.
I must have a wierd betta.... I gave Fred brine shrimp and he wouldn't eat them. Worms are all he wants.
I feed my fishes the frozen blood worms once a week. The problem is i am never sure if it's too much. I have 3 fishes and they come in those ice cube tray things. Any ideas if im overfeeding?

How long would bloodworms last, once defrosted?
You should only feed a few worms per betta...so one cube at a feeding is def. too much for three bettas. They should last an extra day in the refrigerator.
So I should cut it into little pieces, put it in tank water and let it thaw out. What kind of other things can I feed it?

I only have one fish.

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