Omg My 3rd And 4th Favorite Of Aquabid!

$30 isn't bad. My last shipment from the U.S. to me for 4 fish was $50. When I ordered from Thailand, it's the cost of the fish, plus $5, plus an extra ~$5 for the transhipper, plus the shipping. I paid $60 for 4 fish from Thailand on shipping alone. So, you should know that before you continue looking at fish from overseas. They get pretty pricey very quickly. That's why I guided you to a U.S. seller.
I saw him, and I've gotta say, I was a bit shocked that bidding went so high on that particular fish. He had a bit of a spoon head, and his fins weren't very even. He did have nice coloration though, I'll give him that.
umm yeah just the shipping for the betta is $30
:crazy: NOT THE BETTA all together! I ISH!!

When you're looking at fish online, you have to understand that they MUST be shipped in a styrofoam box to keep them insulated and prevent over heating/cooling. That plus the price of getting a fish sent quickly enough to make it to you without putting excess stress on the fish, or killing it, and the price quickly goes to $30 or more. I understand you're still young, but you need to understand these things before you start trying to buy fish online. IMO, $30 isn't unreasonable at all.

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