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    Do I Need Co2?

    I have a planted tank and just wondered why the need for co2? I take it the need for co2 is because the fish in the tank are not producing enough for the plants to survive, but how would I know I have co2 starvation can some one tell me the signs to look out for. Thanks

    Help Corydoras Laying On Its Side

    It may of eaten to much and therefore effecting its swim bladder. Just leave it for a few days and he should come right.

    Hair Algae Problem

    My tank has been excellent until the hair algae started to grow now my plants aint growing like they were and its starting to p%+s me off. Have any of you guys and gals have any advice for me, like is there a treatment what i can add to the water to kill the stuff? Ive cut my light hours down to...

    How Do I Know If My Platy Is Pregnant?

    How can i tell if my platy is pregnant, and when should i put her into quarantine? She has a big belly but im unsure if its just the build of the body or that she is pregnant. Please advise, thanks

    Various Neons Together?

    :byebye: :stupid:

    Various Neons Together?

    What a child, a typical child what cant take telling. :stupid:

    Various Neons Together?

    Oh dear ive touched a nerve! Hey your making it out to be my problem, your the one who posted the thread. And i dont think its an overstatment saying something what is fact, hence the rely on each other! At the end of the day your neon tetra aint had no choice............. :fish: - NEON :rofl:

    Various Neons Together?

    Yeah but i dont take a rocket scientist to work out that they wont shoal with other species, and the same with other tetras they wont shoal with other species. They rely on each other. I think it was a stupid question when they are a naturally shoaling species, you on your profile shows a fish...

    Various Neons Together?

    Explain to me what ive missed................

    Various Neons Together?

    You need to add some more neons, they rely on each other to survive in the wild and in your aquarium should be no different because in an aquarium you are trying to create a natuaral inviroment. They rely on each other due to more eyes see danger, and if there naturally shoaling species then get...

    Question About Feeding Bloodworms

    I use a sledge hammer, put the cube on something hard and take full swing, then you should have some small pieces to feed your fish. Or another way like others have mentioned just cut the cube with a knife. :rolleyes:

    Big Fish Problems

    You should do your home work on every fish you buy. You dont go buying a fish because its got pretty colours, or how cute it looks. Every fish has a future and every bit of information on them should be taken on board! When i visit a LFS i always go there twice to buy a fish. For example i visit...

    Fish Water Test Again.

    you should start seeing a rise in nitrites, i think your suffering from new tank sydrome and i think your tank is starting from the begining again.

    Fish Water Test Again.

    Your test results are all over the place?? Can you explain in detail what you have been doing please.

    Which Test Kit?

    You should always keep on top of water changes in the tank and never presume your water is fine, the advice from your local fish shop was wrong. I use API FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT, you can pick these up for around £20 - £30. I find with this sort of buy you get all what you need and its...

    Khuli Loaches Disappear!

    About 4 weeks ago i brought 7 Khuli Loaches, i was counting them everyday and 1 by 1 i was having trouble counting all of them. I just presumed they were there some where. Anyway today i done a maintenance/clean job which involed stripping down my Fluval 205 external filter (I must add i have a...

    Am I Overstocked?

    Yeah bassically. Nitarte is the end product the benificial bacteria produce, the only way of getting rid of it is by a water change, But dont worry its not harmful to fish at low levels so as long as you do regular 1 - 2 week 15 - 20% water changes you should be fine. (Dont leT it get above 40...

    Am I Overstocked?

    At the end of the day if your filtration is working good and your ammonia levels are down and nitrite levels are down and you have control over your nitrate, then i dont see why you cant be slightly overstocked. Just keep checking your water, and take action if something occurs, why touch...

    Brisstlenose Plec

    I have a bristlenose plec and sometimes he goes patchy white on his back, and when you go to look at him again an hour or so later hes back to normal colour again. I dont think its anything serious but just curious to why they do it. Ive heard its a sign of happiness, but if someone could...

    Am I Overstocked?

    The normal rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon (excluding the tail) You have 13 gallon tank (uk units) so your close to your maximum. Bare in mind fish do grow too.

    Any Help With Water Test Please.

    I would say your tank is cycling still, and adding ammo lock to a cycling tank is silly. Do a 25% water change and moniter the test levels. You should see the ammonia go to zero, then the nitrite go to zero and nitrate will rise. Dont add anymore fish as this will just add to your problem, and...

    has not set their status

    has not set their status

    Fluval Ammonia Remover (For Canister Filter)

    I was going to add the fluval range of ammonia remover to my fluval 205 canister filter. I just wondered what everybodys views are on this type of product and, and if i was to add more fish and the ammonia peeked a bit would it work to remove the ammonia like it says, and would it affect the...

    Pregnant Platy

    Hi it could be possible one of my platys are pregnant. I was just wondering what i would feed the fry? Can you please tell me just incase. Thanks

    Bottled Bacteria

    Hey thanks i appricieate it, ive never heard of dr tims/dr Hovanec before and its a most helpful site, thanks

    Bottled Bacteria

    Thanks appricieate.

    Bottled Bacteria

    Hi thanks for your input, but what im saying is do i really need to keep adding bottled bacteria or in other words will the bacteria keep producing bacteria now its cycled so theres no need to add fresh bacteria?

    Bottled Bacteria

    The tank has been up and running since christmas, I have in the tank 12 glowlights, 6 penguin tetras, 1 bristlenose cat fish, 1 ruby shark, 1 betta, 5 Khuli loaches, 4 platties, all very happy with no issues. As time goes on im learning more and more, and when i read something which i didnt...

    Bottled Bacteria

    Hi ive got a 180ltr tank which i have it established on bottled bacteria. Ive been reading alot on bacteria and how you should do a fishless cycle because the bottled bacteria is basically crap, unless you want to keep adding it once a week plus spending the money. I was just wondering if i was...

    Lead Weights?

    Yeah it makes sense to have a lead weight on the bottom of the plant but when the plant gets established the roots will grow and want to go there own way. I wouldnt reccommend myself, Unless you keep it on for a temporary period then remove later on when the plant has taken root/established.

    Api Stress Zyme

    So what you would you reccomend as an alternative?

    Api Stress Zyme

    Ive heard lots of brand names which sell friendly bacteria crucial for healthy aquariums. I was just wondering what you fellow fish keepers thoughts on the API Stress Zyme as there quite a recognisable brand. Thanks