Question About Feeding Bloodworms


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2011
Reaction score
Scranton PA
I just recently bought my first six fish, rasboras which are pretty small. I have frozen bloodworms that come in cubes. Each cube is way too big to feed the entire thing to my fish. So what I was thinking was putting a little tank water into a small shot glass sized container with a lid to thaw out, than sucking a few bloodworms out with a dropper. If I keep the lid on the container how long will the bloodworms stay good? Thanks for any help.
I slice my frozen cubes with a heavy sharp knife to make them go further.

Defrosted and kept in the fridge though, I don't think I'd keep them more than a couple of days.
I use an ice pick to shatter a cube of frozen food into 3 or 4 pieces. It lets me choose to use a portion closer to what I need. Once the cube is thawed and not fed, it needs to be tossed. Frozen food deteriorates quickly once it has been thawed.
yep chop the frozen cube in half witha knife and put the unwanted portion back in the freezer.

i toss the other half of the cube in the tank still frozen. my rams go bonkers they love it!
Sorry but I wouldn't feed frozen food that's thawed for more than a day to the fish it doesn't fair well!
I use a sledge hammer, put the cube on something hard and take full swing, then you should have some small pieces to feed your fish. Or another way like others have mentioned just cut the cube with a knife. :rolleyes:
I feed 1/4 of a cube at a time. A little goes a long way with BWs.
I use a cube at a time, which my fish seem to eat it all within two minutes max, but that is a fully stocked 200L tank. I don't put it in frozen, I take a small amount of warm tank water out, pop a cube in that to defrost it, then pour it back into the tank where the current from my outlet moves them around and the fish go nuts for them, as it gives the impression that they are live.

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