Am I Overstocked?


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2011
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I have a 60 litre tank with 9 platys and one female Betta. I know platys will breed but will take the fry out and raise them elsewhere. I keep gettting told I'm overstocked. Am I?
I would say no, provided you know what your doing and adequate maintenance is undertaken I don't see a problem
Technically, yes, you are overstocked. If we say an inch (adult size) of (small) fish per gallon; 60l = 13 gallons. Each platy = 2 inches (but possibly as much as 3), that's 18", plus the betta, say another 3", that's 21 already.

If you keep on top of the water changes and don't let yourself get over run with fry, you might be ok, but I'd seriously think about taking a few back :crazy:

I don't mean to sound judgemental or anything, but you have put quite a lot of fish in this tank quite quickly.

Are your test results ok?

Oooh, look we've disagreed :lol:
No your not overstocked, but how many female/male platies do you have?
I think it's good you're going to raise the fry, it's very to see them when they're older
YesYes just realised I have too many. I've been testing daily. Always with the same results.
PH 7.6
High range PH 7.4
Amonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm

I did the gravel and 20% change the other day. Think it was sunday or monday. I posted on here at the time. How often should I do the water and gravel now?

No your not overstocked, but how many female/male platies do you have?
I think it's good you're going to raise the fry, it's very to see them when they're older
ok well tbh I was supposed to have 6 females and 3 males. But I've looked up how to sex them and from what I see I have just 3 females. I realise now I was stupid getting so many platy. I didn't think it through.
Growing on fry properly takes an awful lot more space than you'd think though. I'd want another 10 gallon tank for that, if I was you.

I sound like a right party pooper now :lol:
Maybe I'm wrong and davo and amy are right.

I do think you should keep a close eye on things though; livebearers can get our of control breeding really quickly!
The normal rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon (excluding the tail)
You have 13 gallon tank (uk units) so your close to your maximum. Bare in mind fish do grow too.
Am I horrendously overstocked? I feel awful now. It's no prob to keep up with water changes. I'm just worried about my fish.
Technically, yes, you are overstocked. If we say an inch (adult size) of (small) fish per gallon; 60l = 13 gallons. Each platy = 2 inches (but possibly as much as 3), that's 18", plus the betta, say another 3", that's 21 already.

I have used the same method but come up with a different answer,

inch per gallon 'guideline' generally refers to US gallons making 60L a tad under 16G
experienced users though can go to 1.5" per gallon (and even 2" per gallon successfully in some cases)
using 1.5" per gallon gives you 24" to play with to your 21" of fish

Growing on fry properly takes an awful lot more space than you'd think though. I'd want another 10 gallon tank for that, if I was you.

I sound like a right party pooper now

Maybe I'm wrong and davo and amy are right.

I do think you should keep a close eye on things though; livebearers can get our of control breeding really quickly!

I have been breeding platies/swordtails, and to be honest they can get out of control, i have more than 30 now that i am trying to sell on.
But saying they get out of control, i like to try and save every one i can

But i had a smaller 60l tank, which i put small fry so they could grow before i put them back in to the main tank. You do need space, it isn't a lot of work though saying that, as they are easy to care for.
Are you sure you have 3 females and 6 males?,r:0,s:0
Sorry for the long link, it links straight to a pic
The normal rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon (excluding the tail)
You have 13 gallon tank (uk units) so your close to your maximum. Bare in mind fish do grow too.
well I read plays grow to 1.5 inches so 9 of them is 13.5 inches. I have 15 gallons so with the betta at 3 inches max I am only slightly over.

Will it have a huge effect?

Technically, yes, you are overstocked. If we say an inch (adult size) of (small) fish per gallon; 60l = 13 gallons. Each platy = 2 inches (but possibly as much as 3), that's 18", plus the betta, say another 3", that's 21 already.

I have used the same method but come up with a different answer,

inch per gallon 'guideline' generally refers to US gallons making 60L a tad under 16G
experienced users though can go to 1.5" per gallon (and even 2" per gallon successfully in some cases)
using 1.5" per gallon gives you 24" to play with to your 21" of fish


so I am ok or bordeline. Not too bad then.
tbh I don't think you have anything to worry about provided your water stats stay within the correct parameters

Also I think variety is the spice of life, so personally I would rehome your 3 females leaving you with 6 male platy and one female betta, leaving you room for a small shoal, or simply something different,
If I was you, marie, i'd do this; take the males back to the shop if you can, and keep the three females.

They're very likely pregnant all ready, so you'll most likely have some fry, and with the males gone you'd have some room to keep a few of them.

that's just my twopence worth anyway :)
Will a snail add to that? I was gonna get one zebra nerite for the algae they can go to 1.5 inches max I think. Platys do poo a lot and I read the snail does too but I can change the water twice a week.

If I was you, marie, i'd do this; take the males back to the shop if you can, and keep the three females.

They're very likely pregnant all ready, so you'll most likely have some fry, and with the males gone you'd have some room to keep a few of them.

that's just my twopence worth anyway :)

well two look preggers to me. They came like that. What should I say though? they'd think I was awful.
Reading this,I`m also wondering whether i`m planning to have too many fish for the size of my tank which is only 28 l.
4 glowlight tetra,4 neon tetra,2 corries,and 2 shrimp,I`ve only got the 4 glowlight tetra ,and 2 corries at the moment ,but the man at pets at home said having all these would be alright,so what does everyone think?

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