Any Help With Water Test Please.


Fish Addict
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
Ok i have just done some water test and i really need some advice to get this right. im doing a water 25% water change now just waiting for water to heat up.

I should mention the tank has been up and running for about 3-4 weeks

64 litre tank with 8 Guppies 4 neons and 5 fry (rest been eaten)

I have used ammo lockas ammonia was high.
ph. 7.0
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 2.0 ppm
nitrate 40 ppm

Last weeks results

pH 7.0
Ammonia 4.0
Nitrite NO2 2.0ppm
Nitrate NO3 20ppm
I would not use the ammo lock personally. Up your water changes to 50 - 75% and monitor your stats everyday until ammonia and nitrite read 0 for at least a week. Then you can begin doing weekly water changes after that. Once you are only getting nitrates and doing weekly water changes just change enough so that you can keep your nitrates in the range of 20-40.
The tank hasn't cycled.

Do the above so you don't give your fish ammonia poisoning.
I would say your tank is cycling still, and adding ammo lock to a cycling tank is silly. Do a 25% water change and moniter the test levels. You should see the ammonia go to zero, then the nitrite go to zero and nitrate will rise.
Dont add anymore fish as this will just add to your problem, and also (DONT OVER FEED!!!) And dont add any more ammo lock!!.
A product what says it removes something without actually removing it from the water is a wonder?, so dont add anymore.
Good luck

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