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  1. V

    How Bout A Motion Sensor?

    Do you have live plants?.
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    Plants On Evay

    If you're buying on eBay, look for individual types of plants, rather than collections. As three-fingers says, if you buy a selection, you can't be 100% sure what you're getting - that's a false economy.
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    Where The Hell Did The Snail Come From

    Not the worst thing in the world to have in your tank, of course. What shape is it?. If it's shaped like an ice cream cone, it's probably a Malaysian Trumpet Snail. They actually do a great job of keeping your gravel/sand turned over. If you find you have too many, just cut down on feeding for a...
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    Am I Feeding Enough?

    Depending on the size of your tank, I'd double the number of Neons; they (like most fish) do much better in a group. As for feeding, fish are opportunistic feeders - they'll eat as much as you put in for them, but they really don't need a great deal. Remember, even if you're feeding them a...
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    Filter Media Replacement.

    The flow's the indicator, really. If the flow is fine, don't bother. Manufacturers and LFS would LOVE you to buy new media every month, but, as with so many other things in the hobby that shops will tell you that you need, it's just not necessary. Spend your money on something else.
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    Fish Profiles On Websites Vary Of Same Fish

    It's worth remembering that with most fish a constant PH is most important. Any Freshwater fish you see in your LFS will be acclimatised to water that won't be a million miles away from your own supply. Acclimatise any fish you buy slowly in a bucket and you shouldn't have any problems. I often...
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    14 Missing Fish ####?

    This sounds very similar to the darkest day in my tank. Just before Christmas three years ago, I bought a pair of Blue Dwarf Gourami. For the first week, everything was fine. Then one day I got a phone call from home while I was at work; the Gourami were herding my ten Cardinals into a corner of...
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    New External Filter

    It'll take you about ten minutes from opening the box to having it working; believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. Just a tip; the tubing was coiled fairly tightly when I got mine, so just pop it in a bucket of warm water until you need to fit it while you get everything else ready, makes it...
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    Gravel Vac

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    Faulty Filter

    I'd go for a Fluval 1 internal. Don't worry about the current being too strong, it can help strengthen Guppies muscles as they grow, particularly the males with larger tails.
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    Gravel Vac

    I'd rather do water changes than just vacuuming the gravel and keeping the same water in the tank.
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    New External Filter

    That filter would be great; I've had mine for around eighteen months now (on a well-planted 200ltr) and I wish I'd got it long before - they're fabulous. Which filter do you have at the moment?. I just put all the media from my Fluval 4 Plus internal into the Tetratec in place of one of the...
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    First Shot At Planted Tank

    Nice looking tank, but I'd move the wood to either just left or right of centre. Anything that large needs to draw the eye towards it rather than standing out the way it does dead centre.
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    Fish Swimming At The Top

    We really need to know how many of each fish you have. Many of the fish you list need to be in groups of at least 5/6 and with a tank the size of yours, it won't be possible to have many groups. Swordtails in particular can get large very quickly; they alone will use a lot of the space.
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    Arcadia Overtank Luminaire

    You can buy transparent/coloured film from any art supply shop. If you're in the U.K. you could even try somewhere like WH Smith.
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    Otos: Hard To Keep Alive?

    The most important thing to remember when buying Otos is to make sure they're already eating in the shop tank when you buy them. They are VERY sensitive and the traveling does them no good at all. It can take a while for them to recover from their journey to the shop. If they go straight from...
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    New Fishes Behaving Weirdly

    Just feed the fish every other day, too, until the filter bacteria catch up.
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    Lots Of Juwel Sponge Questions!

    Is the correct answer!!. Let me guess; when you were in the shop, the assistant said ''Oh, you'll need some of this, and this too, and this........''. Sponges can be used until they're falling apart. I'm sure the manufacturers would LOVE people to buy new sponges every month - God knows how many...
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    Fish Swimming At The Top

    Even if we assume you only have a couple of each fish, you're massively overstocked for a 54ltr. How often have you been doing water changes and how much (%) each time?. Do you always remember to dechlorinate the water and how do you clean the filter media?. I have to say, though, that you need...
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    Help Please!

    I think that's the best way; my LFS won't buy them from the usual places, they only take them from local breeders.
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    How Long Will The Bacteria Last...

    If you do put Prawn/Shrimp in there before you go away, be prepared for the whiff when you come back.
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    Plant Food

    I honestly wouldn't look any further than the Tropica. I bought a bottle several weeks ago and instead of dosing it all in one go after a water change (per instructions), I dose just a little every day - the growth has been fabulous.
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    Tank Issues

    Silver Sharks prefer to be in groups of at least 5/6; they grow to around 12'', so your 75ltr isn't really big enough for one, even if they could be kept singly.
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    Newbe Was Seen Walk In To The Doors Of Fish Store

    I hope you returned the Angels; they need a tank at least 18'' high.
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    How Long Will The Bacteria Last...

    It may be worth your while to buy a cheap automatic feeder, just to drop a little food in every day.
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    What Is The Price Of Cardinals In Your Area?

    £6 for five at my LFS. £21? - that's unbelievable.
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    Worrying About Water Conditions, Do You Worry About Them Too?

    Two 30% water changes a week keeps me from worrying. PH hasn't moved from 7.2 in over three years; I'm starting to think about Discus................
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    Purple Fish?

    I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding a purple(ish) Betta.
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    Sadly, Goldfish haven't been banned as prizes, it still goes on. And on............
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    Advice On Fish Please

    Most shops are there to take your money, not to tell you not to buy something.
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    Cardinal/neon Tetras

    Cardinals are definitely larger than Neons, but neither should really be added until a tank is cycled AND matured.
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    Cycling With One Fish Present.....?

    Safestart still exposes fish to high ammonia and nitrites; not as high as a straight 'fish-in' cycle, but any ammonia is enough to permanently burn a fish's gills.
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    Building A 4ft Stand On Wheels...?

    Try to relocate the telly; if you argue with gravity there's only going to be one winner............
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    Yeah Right !

    I had a semi just thinking about it..................
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    Yeah Right !

    Does that include delivery?.
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    Question About Tank Size.

    Welcome, Ben; I wish all newbies thought the way you do. It'd save a lot of us typing the same replies to the same things again and again. First, find a decent shop and stick to it. Even as a newbie, it's quite easy to know a healthy looking fish when you see one. As you're just starting, I'll...
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    I'm At Work With A Bag Of Gravel And Water From The Petstore!

    There's not a great deal of bacteria in gravel, a little filter media would be better.
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    Bullying Gourami

    Apart from being prone to the fatal Iridovirus, DGs are seriously unpredictable. I kept a few three or four years ago until one day they decided to take out all ten of my Cardinal Tetras. They herded them into a corner then took it in turns to go in and pick one off. Unfortunately, I was at work...
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    High Ammonia; No Sick Fish So Far

    I'd like to think it doesn't exist, but.................