Cardinal/neon Tetras


New Member
Jun 28, 2008
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Bought 6 Cardinals last week. They were smaller than I expected, so I assumed they were babies which would grow to around 2", the same as my Danios. A friend( who is an expert) said , however, that they won't grow any bigger now( approx 11/4") and that Neons are slightly bigger. Everything I have read has suggested the opposite,but he seems very sure that Neons are bigger?

There is no problem, we really like the Cardinals and may well add 3 or 4 more if this is as big as they get.

Please advise.
no cardinals get about 1.5-1.75 inches and neons will stay about 1.25-1.5 inches. cardinals are also much hardier than neons.
Cardinals will ordinarily get a little larger than neons. Cardinals have the red color stripe the full length of their body while neons only have the color stripe about half their body length. The easy way to tell them apart is color, not size.
Cardinals are definitely larger than Neons, but neither should really be added until a tank is cycled AND matured.

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