Search results

  1. fishboy619

    I Want An Axolotl!

    i have kept axolotls before, i KNOW what im on about. mine was about 10-11 inches, at most 2 inches smaller then the lengh of the tank. that sand would be fine james, just wash it well before hand, as i said before, a 24x12 tank is too small i belive. and stick by what i said, just because some...
  2. fishboy619

    I Want An Axolotl!

    just because some websites say that tank size is ok, doesnt mean it is, evernyone here agress a 24inch by 12 inch tank is too small. some sites say gold fish are ok in bowls, but we all know thats wrong too. maybe do more reseach and find a larger number of websites about axolotl to get better...
  3. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    thanks for the advice, not trying to oppose you, but why would these little guys be for sale in stores, if not meant to be handled? the friend im looking after it for, bought it from a reptile shop. i know most leopard geckos arent a big fan of being handled, but a little bit does no harm...
  4. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    well i did what you said, i think its female, but not sure still here are a few pictures of the young leopard gecko im looking after, i will get pictures of mine when she appeares from her cave.
  5. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    its not the cocolate albino that has a probelm, hes fine. acting normal and eaten a small locoust already. had a nice fat tail and looking well, the younger one is a high tangerine, i eat 2 small mealworms, but left the crickets. acting ok when im handling it, but a big dopish in the box, maybe...
  6. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    well i picked up my gecko this afternoon. its a chocolate albino. unknown sex. settled in well, hasnt eaten yet, but i only offered one small locoust. its about 9-11 months old. im also am looking after a younger leopard gecko for a week. its very young and small. but old enough to be kept...
  7. fishboy619


    if you add a heater, a betta could be kept. maybe other small tropical fish. as for coldwater, NO goldfish, fancy or not. all goldfish will grow wey to big, or worse, be stunted and die. whitecloud minnows are best suited, as are some barbs and danios. look further into that if your intrested.
  8. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    the wood is kinda small, i didnt want it too high incase the gecko fell off, but high enough to give the gecko something to climb on. i can arrage it probally so the gecko cen fit under it and hide. i also found some moss, fern moss. so thats sorted, and i bought another cave too.
  9. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    right... picking up my leopard gecko this comming saturday. i have already a large tank, heat mat, paper towels for substrate (going to be tiles at a later date), 2 caves, 1 piece of wood, a small food dish, a water well and a water dish with small stone in, a screen mesh lid and a fake plant. i...
  10. fishboy619

    Feeding My Adf While On Holiday

    i left my ADF's for 5 days when away, i feed bloodworms and glass worms mixed together before i left, and they ate a load of that. huge bellies. and when i came home 5 days later, they were both still alive and well, didnt look thin or ill. and i fed then the day i came home (it was late but...
  11. fishboy619

    Amano Shrimps

    i sometimes find my amano shrimps grouped together on a piece of bogwood or plant, and other times totally away from each other. nothing to worry about i'd say
  12. fishboy619

    Will My Shrimp Eat The Holiday Block

    shrimps will eat almost anything, lol so yes i would say they would eat the holiday block, but i would recomend not feeding holiday blocks, they are mostly made from plaster and cloud up the water. it would be better either feeding plenty before you go, and maybe get someone to visit your house...
  13. fishboy619

    Oto Or Not

    they prefer brown algea, its not so much they are weak fish, but a lot of them stress out easily with other fish, and go hungry, i have a lot of algea in my tank when first added them, but very little now, i feed algea wafers, catfish pellets and veg now and then, they have survived for months...
  14. fishboy619

    My Black Moor

    maybe thers a reason why moreece died? due to your ignorance. dont add 1 cory, do some research and you would see they need to be in grops of 3 minimum, but bigger the better. personally i would try to cycle your tank first, then add some nice hardy fish. not livebeares as these will have fry...
  15. fishboy619

    To Plant Or Not To Plant...

    dwarf puffers do like lots of plants, not only to fade out aggression between them, but also it gives them something to do. they will swim around them and entain them selves, also when feeding common snails, the snails will go around on the plants and the puffers will "hunt" them. can you please...
  16. fishboy619

    Adf's In A .....

    2-3. if its planted and has good filtration (not too powerful to blow the frogs around) i would say maybe 4 frogs. they like their own company and as long as caves and shelter is provided, i cant see a problem. they arent what you would call large waste producers
  17. fishboy619

    Oto Or Not

    you cant have one, you should get atleast 3. but i have 10 in one tank and they are much more active and seem happier.
  18. fishboy619

    Adf Slightly Bloated And Floating On Surface

    my frogs are sometimes like this, i think thay may just have swallowed too much air or somthing, but my frogs always recover in a day or so.
  19. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    just 2 quick questions, im getting my leopard gecko in 3 weeks, but i would like to know what Vermiculite is, i know its a moist thing you let the gecko use to help shedding, but what attually is it? moss also does anyone have any spare for sale, either Vermiculite or gecko moss also, what...
  20. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    ok ;) cheers for the help the_dude and other members. any other help you may think would help please let me know.
  21. fishboy619

    Man In Tennessee Caught With 18 Venomous Snakes

    maybe he knew what he was doing with the snakes, but he still had them illegally and end of day was breaking the law, why didnt he apply for a liecence? can i ask what you do with the snakes you catch? do you release them somewhere else
  22. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    quicker, cos they can take larger jumps? would you advise to to atleast try them, i wouldnt feel nice nipping theur bag legs, but would do if nessary for the gecko.
  23. fishboy619

    Man In Tennessee Caught With 18 Venomous Snakes

    i dont know much about snakes, so not sure how venomous they are, but even their names look deadly! wouldnt mind living in same building, but i think i may be concerned if one escaped. :crazy:
  24. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    i was talking about store bought bugs. the shop that i would buy my crickets, mealworms and other bugs from usally has loucusts in too, and if im getting a regular supplie, i can have a custmore order to make sure they always have small locusts in. i just didnt know if locusts would be a good...
  25. fishboy619

    Do You Keep Your Bumblebee Gobies In Bracish Or Fw?

    sand or gravel i dont think it matters, but personally i use sand. as long as there are plenty of caves and plants it should work out. feeding is more a problem, live goes down a treat, and your vewry lucky to get it for free! but with frozen, i use a pipet to squirt it near the BBG. also, maybe...
  26. fishboy619

    Kuhli Loaches

    not sure about clams. but my kuhliis never bothered with common snails, ramshorn snails or apple snails. and all my shrimps are fine with my kuhliis. kuhliis are very peaceful, not bothering anything on purpose, they may knock into other fish and startle them, but nothing aggressive just to...
  27. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    i didnt take that rudely SoCalMom, i guess your right, i can ask as many questions as i can think of, and get as many answers back. i just dont want to screw up and kill the little guy. as this is my first reptile especially. i just want everything to go right, the only one question i would like...
  28. fishboy619

    Thinking Of Getting A Ball Python

    i think its very good of a person to ask before they purchase any animal. just because you have had experience, if you havent had that cartain animal/reptile before, it always helps to have extra infomation. how many people here like to check over a fish before buying it, even if they have kept...
  29. fishboy619

    Do You Keep Your Bumblebee Gobies In Bracish Or Fw?

    i keep mine in a group of 4 in a 5gallon in freshwater, they have done well for a while now, no problems water wise, a few small scraps between them, but when plants and caves are provide, the fight is often harmless and ended in a few seconds.
  30. fishboy619

    Animal Review

    Type of Animal: guinea pig Average cost of purchasing animal and supplies: average price for the animal is about £7-£15. some breeds go for more. lots of rescue guinea pigs need adopting instead, and these are usally free. a better choice perhaps. need to be in pairs minimum, but small groups...
  31. fishboy619

    Replacing Bruce?

    if you have the right conditions for another one, why not?
  32. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    good luck with your babies. i just want to check, now i think i understand it all, you provide PURE calcium in the tank at all times in a small bowl or bottle cap lid. ( i read somewhere it can be crushed cuttlefish, is this true?) and on the first feeding, you dust the bugs with calcium and D3/...
  33. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    thanks for all your help. im not sure exactly what to feed the gecko, mealworms or crickets, maybe i'll switch from one to the other each time i feed. with the carpets, can you cut them to make them fit the tank? i will leave the waterfall out, but what about the waterwell? will that be ok, or...
  34. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    thanks for the help :good: i will have a look for a large fishtank, that should be cheaper than one of those exo-terra tanks. i will feed crickets as a main diet, switching from brown to black each time. how often should i feed, a few bugs per day ive read in some places, and other places say...
  35. fishboy619

    One For The Frog Lovers ^_^

    he/she looks ace. very intresting and much be a joy to own what do you feed them i wonder?
  36. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    cheers for the reply. i have read from many sites saying mealworms are a staple diet, but i think i will offer a both mealworms and crickets on a regular basis, does that sound ok? also quick question, which is better, brown/slient crickets or black crickets? i will dust with calcium with D3 and...
  37. fishboy619

    Leopard Gecko

    thanks to everyones suggestions on the other topic, but ive decided to go easy and stick with a leopard gecko for beginners. i would like to thank SoCalMom for a lot of help. but they are still some things that i would like covering. ive been looking in shops and found a good size tank, 24x18x18...
  38. fishboy619

    Whoever Said Fish Had No Memory?

    goldfish are very clever. proven on mythbusters! they remembered to swim through holes in deviders to get food. goldfish arent retards of the fish world, tho i do wonder if maybe you are.
  39. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    i can get an 18x18x18 cube tank, and i can built a second level. i was thinking about a leopard gecko, all it would need is a heat mat. and of course food dish, caves etc. but im waiting for a guy to reply to me PM about dwarf sand geckos, so i will see what he says and make my mind up afterwards.
  40. fishboy619

    5 Gallon

    personally i wouldnt put white clouds, neons or harliquins in a 5gallon as i think its too small and the fish need more room to move, plus they are all shoaling fish which need to be in biggest group possable. but a small group of sparkling gouramies would look good.