Man In Tennessee Caught With 18 Venomous Snakes


Mar 13, 2007
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A man in Chattanooga, Tennessee was caught July 11, 2007 with 18 venomous snakes. He was living in an apartment complex in the east ridge area. The federal game and wildlife commssion preformed a raid on his home and found 2 snake racks with the following enjoying his care:

1 pygmy rattlesnake
1 eastern diamond back rattlesnake
2 western diamond back rattlesnake
1 king cobra
3 cottonmouths
1 copperhead
1 eyelash viper
2 gaboon vipers
1 fer de Lance
1 inland taipan
2 sidewinders
1 coral snake

Now, do you want to live next door or in about 5 people's cases, in the same building with this guy. I know I would. All of his collection now reside in the Tennessee Aquarium and he has been charged with Illegal Possession of Dangerous Wildlife.
i dont know much about snakes, so not sure how venomous they are, but even their names look deadly!
wouldnt mind living in same building, but i think i may be concerned if one escaped. :crazy:
He had a fer de lance!!! Is he nuts??????????? You are dead in like 30 seconds with one of those, aren't you?

I'd be moving LOL
Now, do you want to live next door or in about 5 people's cases, in the same building with this guy. I know I would. All of his collection now reside in the Tennessee Aquarium and he has been charged with Illegal Possession of Dangerous Wildlife.
Do you really mean you would or is that a typo? I don't like snakes at all and can't imagine having even a nonpoisonous snake around. I've never understood why anyone would want to have a poisonous snake as a pet. You can't really pet it or do anything with it.

On a side note the Tennessee Aquarium is a top notch place. Probably the best aquarium I've ever been to and I've been to at least 6 or 8 different ones. Worth the time if you're ever in the Chattanooga area.
Give him his snakes and let him have the chance to move to another state? -_- He probably paid through the nose for that king cobra and the fir de lance... Unlucky for him.
I want his snakes.
I'm definitely not a snake expert but I would imagine that soome of them are probably illegal in other or all states similar to owning pirahnas. The potential risk on the eco system if they were to be released into the wild I'm sure is a concern. The bottom line is that if he broke the law by having them then he should suffer the consequences.
To answer your question, no I wouldn't mind because I run a summer business catching snakes out of peoples' yards. That would only mean more money for me. And They said on the news that he purchased them all illegally. I live in the Chattanooga area and this just proves that the rednecks in the area love "Them there snakes". I knew this guy through my brother's friend, and he knew what he was doing. But now he's in the clink and the aquarium's got new additions to their snake room.
maybe he knew what he was doing with the snakes, but he still had them illegally and end of day was breaking the law, why didnt he apply for a liecence?
can i ask what you do with the snakes you catch? do you release them somewhere else
Ehh poor guy all the money lost. I wouldn't mind having a 1,000 non poisonous snakes crawling over me. They are harmless and actually friendly. The poisonous ones like these though aren't a good idea to keep. Many people end up dyeing when they keep these. A good majority of them actually die at some point.

The coral snake is probably the most deadly of these. It has a neuro Toxin. It lives in southeast UNite STates. The cottonmouths and copperheads are easy to seek treatment for. The fer de lance is often though of as extremely deadly, and it can be, but it gets it's rep because it hides in tree branches and has struck and bit people in the jugular veins killing them almost instantly. If it gets you anywhere else, it's not nearly as deadly. THe Gaboons have the biggest fangs in the world. One fang is probably almost an inch wide. I wouldn't want them to bite me. Fairly deadly too.

THe ones I'd least rather be bitten by in order are these:

1. Taipan
2. Fer de Lance
3. Cobra
4. Coral snake

The reason is not because the taipan is the most poisonous, but because there won't be any anti-venom in tenessee or anywhere near there. The coral snake is probably the deadliest, but coral snakes are native to southeaster tennessee and anti-venom is in every hospital, also coral snakes only bite if you literally do your best to hurt them. I could go pick one up and put it on my shoulder and it wouldn't bite. They are probably one of the friendliest snakes around, but deadly.
By Wide I know you mean long. If a Gaboon viper's fangs were and inch wide, it would look like the slow snake in the back of the class.
To answer your question, no I wouldn't mind because I run a summer business catching snakes out of peoples' yards. That would only mean more money for me. And They said on the news that he purchased them all illegally. I live in the Chattanooga area and this just proves that the rednecks in the area love "Them there snakes". I knew this guy through my brother's friend, and he knew what he was doing. But now he's in the clink and the aquarium's got new additions to their snake room.
If you don't mind me asking how much do you charge to remove snakes and how lucrative is this business? I'm interested in doing this if its worth the cash. I'm out west in an area with lots of western dimond backs so it would be fun !
I've never understood why anyone would want to have a poisonous snake as a pet. You can't really pet it or do anything with it.
Do you pet and play with your fish??
Not necessarily pet them but I do (or have had) bettas that take food from my finger and my shrimp and fish will often times swim up and playfully nip or rub on my hand when I'm cleaning the tank. I don't think you would want to hand feed a poisonous snake (you might really "hand" feed him) and I'm certain you wouldn't want them nipping your hand while cleaning.

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