One For The Frog Lovers ^_^


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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^_^ As the title says, this is one for the frog lovers on TFF :) My brand new pacman frog Shade :D

The tank (with bedding and crock)


Shades little container (ughh so cramped...)


Shade in the container


Shade hopped out onto my nightstand


Shade in the tank




The (almost) finished product :D


I'll be buying an under-tank heater tomorrow for Shade, along with a bunch of plants :) hopfully all goes well and my little buddy grows to be nice and big :D

BTW, does anybody know how to sex these frogs?

Thanks for looking,

Very nice, really cool. Everything looks good. It would appreciate damp leaves (oak would be ok) and moss. From what I can understand, males are smaller than the females.
Good to know how to sex them, thanks much.

Also, I'll be buying fake plants and some peat moss tomorrow :) Hopfully he'll be happy. I'm assuming he's a male, he acts like one lol even though both act the same :p
well im not a frog lover, but he/she looks very cool :good:
he/she looks ace.
very intresting and much be a joy to own
what do you feed them i wonder?

Pacman frogs like live food. My LFS had these guys in stock and I looked into getting one, but when they are small they like to eat goldfish (just dropped in there) and as they grow they enjoy mice. Unfortunately, they are happy to eat anything regardless of size and I was concerned I could lose a finger (probably an unfounded concern).
Actually, that information is incorrect, sorry. When small Pacmans should be fed Live crickets, mealworms, wax worms and super worms. When larger, crickets will still make a tasty snack, however large feeder goldfish and frozen pinky mice are enjoyed. It's funny, if it moves it must be alive and therefore it must be food is how this frog seems to think! I just fed him an hour after I got him and he ate 5 large crickets and a feeder guppy that was 1.5" long, 1/2 an inch less than he is!

These guys are great pets I've been told, my friend has one however his is an albino. At a reptile show these guys usually go for about $20canadian, but in stores they're usually around $40, but lucky me ^_^ I got him for only $25 and I got a free pack of 24 large crickets :D Go PJs!
Glad to hear it's eating well. But I really would advise to avoid feeder fish. But I'll leave it at that as I don't want another debate.
I know it is recommended to avoid feeder fish, however if I am to feed him any fish I'll breed them myself so I know they're safe.

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