Small Reptiles

Rough green snakes eat crickets dude. They'll save you money. They're quiet. They're too small to eat mice/rats, and they can be housed in a 10 gal. They're docile, and very friendly. Also, snake feramones repel rats. They avoid it like the plague.
I personally wouldn't suggest the rough green snake to a beginner in keeping reptiles, though they are small and supposedly can be kept in a reasonably small enclosures (though I think keeping a few in a larger enclosure is the way to look after them), they have got specialist needs, firstly they are mainly aboreal and need that sort of set up, they also like to swim and need an area on the floor to do so, that needs cleaning every day as they tend to go to the loo in it. They need high ventilation, but kept relatively humid, I really think that people need to be an intermediate keeper to attempt these beautiful, but highly strung animals properly. I've been keeping exotics for years, and I would only have thought myself experienced enough to keep these in the last couple - this is just my own personal thoughts, I also am a great believer in leopard geckos being great starter reptiles, they are easy to look after, docile (usually), and beautiful. The dwarf sand geckos are this too, but a bit harder to come by, though if you are interested I can pm you a few good reptile classified sites, so you can see what is out there.
leopard gheckos are adorable. i have 1 and my sister has 6. very easy to keep, some like being handled, some dont. But i think mine doesnt because i didnt spend enough time when he was younger trying to encourage him. He goes through about a box of crickets every week and a half. They have such great personalities. its so obvious when you go in her room! the six different tanks are all beside each other. I think mines in a 2 foot tank, but when they are little they are able to have a smaller youd have time to convince mam for a newer bigger tank ;)
i can get an 18x18x18 cube tank, and i can built a second level.
i was thinking about a leopard gecko, all it would need is a heat mat. and of course food dish, caves etc.
but im waiting for a guy to reply to me PM about dwarf sand geckos, so i will see what he says and make my mind up afterwards.

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