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  1. P

    Quips And One-Liners

    "Suppose you're an idiot. Now suppose you're a member of Congress, but I repeat myself." Mark Twain
  2. P

    Tetra Whisper Power Filters

    I have a couple of those type filters. Leftovers really. Not my favorite, but good for extra surface agitation. I never use those biobags. I just cut some sponge to fit, grab a small bag ceramic media, and a spot of floss. Other than removal of meds, I haven't used charcoal in years.
  3. P

    Quartine Tanks Stocking

    Ah, I understand on trying to save on shipping. Super red! Been waffling about a Bristlenose or two for quite a while. Using the excuse of finalizing my tanks. As I stated, it is my belief that the reason Neons are so sensitive is due to over/inbreeding, as they have been so...
  4. P

    Quartine Tanks Stocking

    Pygmy chain sword is nice. Had it in 55 and carpeted somewhat, but stayed small. It also did get shaded by an Amazon Sword. It is carpeting nicely in a 29, with some dwarf sag. Another easy plant. Have not tried the Vals yet, but plan to. Spiralis is a little slow to catch on, but it grows tall...
  5. P

    Quartine Tanks Stocking

    I hope you don't mind my saying a few things. Last I checked my pH was around 7.4, not quite 8.2, but still high for all my soft water fish. But I don't have major problems. As to the big tank lots of little fish, working on the same thing myself. Tetras, I have Black Neons, nice, but not...
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    New Filter Making Sucking Sounds

    I know Aquaclear does it til fully primed. And they have the knob and foot you described. I fill my filters, turn the knob to the right, (if looking at the front/discharge side), and wait till it self primes. Then move the knob back. I hope that works. That sound can drive one up a wall.
  7. P

    New Filter Making Sucking Sounds

    Sounds like an airlock. Check the intake tube for cracks and a tight fit. What brand of filter is it?
  8. P

    After Hospital Tank.

    Good to hear. As for the Angel's romance...sorry not covered under the Geneva convention.
  9. P

    After Hospital Tank.

    I hope all works out. But if not, do you have a plan B? I went for a sorority of four. Down to two. One died of stress from bullying. And one had to join my bully male Angel.(oddly enough they are like peas and carrots together) The remaining two each claim half a four foot tank.
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    Just a thought, not wanting to offend anyone, but be careful with the "d" word. In the tactics of the remain side you are seeing democracy at work. For it is just a polite way to say mob rule. If we don't get our way, keep pushing using threats of and outright violence, until they get their...
  12. P

    What Are You Listening To?

    Sound of silence always makes me think of The Comedian's funeral.
  13. P

    Favorite Book Quotes?

    "At least 80% of all human wisdom is a desire not to but into somebody else's business, and the other 20% isn't that important" Jubal Harshaw
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    As an outsider, all I can say is Happy Independence Day, United Kingdom! Now let us all come together to destroy the abomination that is the U.N. I am unable to give an opinion as to the next Prime Minister. But as for the petulant child that heads our government and his meddling in your...
  15. P

    Hybrid Cories?

    I can. Looks like somebody gave her a shiner.
  16. P

    Oh Why, Oh Why

    With a price tag like that I would have to pass. But they would be lovely to see in a local shop.
  17. P

    Place Your Bets

    I'm happy at you! Great news.
  18. P

    Painting A Tank Background

    One can spray paint the background. Make sure you seal the tank well though. With spray paint it is a bit more permanent. I have gone to acrylic painted backgrounds after watching the video. Its easy and cheap!
  19. P

    Stocking A 29 Gallon?

    From experience with Angels. It's a love/frustration relationship. Can't say hate, because it ain't that bad. I have four Angels in three tanks. Got four for a 55 gallon hoping I would get a pair. I got two. And four feet was not enough breeding distance for two pairs of breeding Angels. The...
  20. P

    Heart Stopping Moment

    Glad it was something less major than the tank. Although ouch on the replacement cost. Also glad no cooked fish. I am with Far_King. I remember hearing about problems with older Hydor heaters. Though I understand the issue is fixed.
  21. P

    Fish Nightmares

    Been dreaming lately of folks giving away fully stocked tanks. Always stocked with Angels! I love my Angels, but I really couldn't handle several dozen.
  22. P

    Looking For Some Advice On A New Aquarium...

    No worries. I understand putting tanks on old furniture. Have done it many times. And yes the less water the better. As for the price, well I am not fond of the packages, tank, hood, filter, et cetera. We each tend to develop our favorites as to lighting, filtration, heaters and such. But...
  23. P

    Looking For Some Advice On A New Aquarium...

    Perhaps I missed something. But each of these tanks linked are well over the price of a ten gallon. As well if you do not have room for a ten gallon why are links three and four for a 40 and 53 respectively? Also a good price on a used 60? That aside, have not seen a good price on a tank...
  24. P

    Looking For Some Advice On A New Aquarium...

    Just opinions here, but wow are they over priced. As for the Nat Geo tank. Not been real impressed with thier equipment. Even less impressed with thier ideas of fishkeeping. Each of these tanks is a bit small. Unless for a Betta or a few guppies. And I would not recommend a 3.5 gal./13 litre is...
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    Fertile Cory Eggs!

    Great news!
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    Place Your Bets

    Yeah...that's the ticket.
  27. P

    Place Your Bets

    Doing the happy dance! (Be glad you can't see it)
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    Place Your Bets

    Thanks, Flubberlump. I am an early member of Akasha's Corydoras Anonymous chapter. I have two not happy tanks, one a QT tank, and one that desperately wants a nice shoal of Hasbrosus. Akasha, you give up? I find it unlikely. I seem to remember someone having no end of trouble with Peppered...
  29. P

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Update: nine Bronze, five Albino. Four Bronze, four Albino. One Leucomales, one unknown (possibly Agasazi), five Sterbai. For now. Always want more!
  30. P

    Place Your Bets

    May not be you or what you are doing that went wrong. Could have just been a weak spawn. Trying to look on the bright side.
  31. P

    36 Gallon Angelfish Advice Please

    Yes condolences on your Mother's passing. With Angels it's hit and miss. Some get along well with other fish, some not so much. Avoid smaller fish as a rule of thumb. As Chichlids if ii can fit a fish in its mouth it will eat it. But you can't go wrong with Corys.
  32. P

    Sexing My Opaline Gourami

    All girls, couldn't find any males at the time. Well with any semi-aggressive fish it depends on the fish. At present my little rescue is sharing a tank with a super aggressive male Angel. And they get along like peas and carrots.
  33. P

    Sexing My Opaline Gourami

    I vote female. Males dorsal reach to the tail. An absolute stunner though. I have two girls in a four foot tank. The third just got bullied to much.
  34. P

    June 2015 - Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    In the words of one of the greatest movies of all time "I fart in your general direction..." Oops, wrong quote. "Get on with it!" I'll submit. Judging by previous winners I won't grab the brass ring, but it's fun anyway.
  35. P

    Stocking For Quarantine Tank

    A few notes. First a quarantine tank should be just that, for quarantine. Second I would do just one group at a time. Harleys, Glowlights, et cetera. It's easier to observe one species at a time. At least for me anyway. As for algae control, one should not be getting fish for algae control...
  36. P

    Place Your Bets

    Thst is a cutie. I see why you can't decide if they are Panda or Meleni yet.
  37. P

    Thinking About ...

    Quit dithering. You know you are going to get more. They look great, and we know the bigger the shoal the better the look.
  38. P

    Sexing Angelfish And Determining If Swordtail Females Are Pregnant

    I'll wager a couple of girls, but as Akasha noted the best way to tell is when they spawn. So I could be wrong.
  39. P

    Any Star Gazers...?

    Thank you for making a valid point. There is little point in trying to argue or debate. As for the even religious types comment, does that nullify the inference that their is little point in debating or arguing with atheists? As for religion being thrust on persons from an early age. How does...