After Hospital Tank.


Jun 25, 2014
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One of my blue gouramis was in my hospital tank for a couple of weeks.
Added back into tank yesterday along with my other three and it seems the close unit has been lost.
They are all pretty much bullying her.
Hope it subsides but will wait and see.
is there somewhere for her to hide? Some plants maybe? Keeping stress at bay will be the thing 
I'd give it time and see how things pan out then. If she can go and chill in the plants at least she can get away from things if it gets too much. Hope it works out for you both :)
I hope all works out.
But if not, do you have a plan B?

I went for a sorority of four. Down to two. One died of stress from bullying. And one had to join my bully male Angel.(oddly enough they are like peas and carrots together)

The remaining two each claim half a four foot tank.
I came in from work 10 mins ago and all seems to be ok.
They are feeding in a group again so all good.they were always a close group so very happy.
Thanks for replies guys.
glad to hear it worked out :) Happy tank :D
Yup until the angels decide to have a bit of romance lol
Good to hear.
As for the Angel's romance...sorry not covered under the Geneva convention.

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