Place Your Bets

Well I did have some eggs on the glass again yesterday morning but I woke up late and by the time I saw them they'd been eaten by my tetra's
I did get to see three of the 3 weeker's early evening last night. At least I know they are still alive. I'm still trying to get them to eat cory pellets but still no luck.
I think what I'm going to do now is to dedicate this little tank to breeding cories and so I'm gonna set it up right. I'm gonna get some more java moss and add some more leaves. That way not only do I add hiding places but I also add more infusoria.
From now on I plan to allow any eggs to hatch in my floating trap and if they escape then they'll have to take their chances
there was two a bit later zooming around. They are almost strong enough to reach the surface now. I'd just be happier if I could see them eating something
If I catch them again and I'm fast enough I'll see if I can get a video :)
PepperjacksMama said:
Doing the happy dance!
(Be glad you can't see it)
   <----  Is it like that? 
Yey glad to hear it! If they're swimming about like that they must be eating :)
Flubberlump said:
Yey glad to hear it! If they're swimming about like that they must be eating
Yeah, but what? They must be finding some worms and the rest must be from infusoria ... They're not touching the pellets at all
The pellets will be dissolving to some degree won't they? Maybe they're only taking tiny bits. Have you tried the turtle eggs again?
This so reminds me of my breeding cory days ....
Good luck with the fry... I came to accept... the fittest survive
Harlequins - am I right in thinking you were the lady who had a huge tank in your kitchen just dedicated to cories? Am I remembering the right lady? If so you were mostly responsible for teaching me all that I know about cories in my early fish keeping days!
Flubberlump - yes, I tried the turtle eggs again but no joy with them either. I bought some tetra mini granules but they don't want to try them and so now I'm back to dropping in one tiny New Era catfish pellet - they seem to be best for dropping in and leaving without fouling the water.
lol! I have a lot to answer for lol.

The said tank is still in the kitchen at my dads, but alas not many cories left...

Still i'm glad some of my ramblings paid off lol .
I thought it was you! How the devil are you? It's been a very long time! 
I now have too many cories, I've turned into a mad cory woman! I've still got most of my peppered and all of my bronzes but I added some panda's who have taken the peppered's place of prolific breeding. I've also got some melini's and 3 lovely smudge spots. I'm desperately trying to up their number but they are as rare as hen's teeth!
I'm desperate for more too but space, or rather the lack of it, is holding me back  
Yep about 3 years.... Depression hit.... although i'm doing good now....
Well done on the cory breeding.... :)  its very rewarding when it goes right

Theres still some corys left in the big tank ... albinos and bronze and peppered and the harlequins still going strong...
I want to get some vitalis catfish pellets, the ones I have now must be due for changing I think. I wish they came in smaller pots, I end up throwing out pots that are nearly full because they'll go stale :( I have the small SA cichlid ones and they all go mad for them. I now don't have any cichlids anyway but the others enjoy them.

Harlequins - you do have a lot to answer for as Akasha has passed it on to me! :D I can't wait to upgrade my tank and get more corys. I always loved corys and have never had a tank without them, but raising my fry has put me firmly in the cory club lol!!

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