Sexing My Opaline Gourami


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2012
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Hi guys, hoping someone here can definitively sex my gourami. It's currently on its own but I may choose to get more in the not too distant future and at that point it would be very handy to know. I'm aware to look at the dorsal fin, but even so I'm not sure. It's difficult to photograph but hopefully these will be enough.




Beautiful Gourami!
I believe that's a male. Usually male gouramis are vividly colorful and their dorsal fin is more longer or swept back.
Be careful when mixing gouramis. If that's a male, I wouldn't add anymore, make or female. Gouramis aren't usually very tolerant of their own kind.
Looks like a female to me.i keep four together.i male to three female.whats your tank size?
My tank is 350 litres, 4 feet wide and fairly heavily planted. I'm gathering the only way to truly distinguish is the dorsal fin? Because it does seem sometimes to be pointed and other times round, or even a bit of both. Literature on how many to keep also adds confusion so I'm interested in hearing those who have them.
Gmc did you add them all at the same time when they were young or as time went on? What's your general experience been like?
I vote female. Males dorsal reach to the tail.
An absolute stunner though.
I have two girls in a four foot tank. The third just got bullied to much.
Was your third also a female or was that a male? I would have thought that having more would disperse the aggression, but I guess it doesn't always have that effect?
All girls, couldn't find any males at the time.
Well with any semi-aggressive fish it depends on the fish.
At present my little rescue is sharing a tank with a super aggressive male Angel. And they get along like peas and carrots.
My tanks 300 litres and the ratio works perfect.gouramis do bicker a bit anyway.
My yellow female rules the group.they can be jumpy towards sounds lights etc so somewhere to hide is good.they like tall plants or floating too.
She gave my new cardinals a rough time when they entered the tank but things seem to have settled down now.
She still does a lot of pacing back and forth along the front of the tank. Is this usual behaviour? It's not constant but quite frequent... one of the larger black ruby barbs sometimes joins her for a bit lol. All my readings are the same, no ammonia or nitrite and about 50-60ppm nitrate (difficult to improve because of tap amount).

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