Oh Why, Oh Why


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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Many people not from Australia would not realise that certain fish species are either incredibly rare over here or totally non-existant. The rare ones you can end up paying absolute top dollar for, if you are really determined to have them in your tanks.
Anyway years ago I happened to see some Venezuelan Black Corydoras online and fell in love with them and really wanted them for my tanks. But the only ones I could ever find for sale in Australia where either old ads or not willing to post. Imagine my surprise then yesterday when at one of my local pet shops (I always check the tanks for unexpected surprises in the fish department), I discovered a group of 4 Venezeluan Black Corydora, I instantly knew what type of cory they where, how rare they where locally and remembered how much I wanted them......
Then I saw the asking price.......
$49.95 EACH.
There is no way I can justify that sort of outlay especially when the catfish are still very young and near impossible to sex, and getting a group of four with the chance of only either one male or one female didnt appeal.
I may have to revisit the shop and ask if they will do a deal on the corydoras, if I take all 4 possibly 5 if the larger one I saw in another tank was also the same and not just a very dark bronze.
If I get them (eventually) then I will be estatic, if I dont then I guess the search continues.
the black cory is one over here that's a rarity (in my area anyway) and when they do appear they are one of the most expensive - I don't know if this is because they are rare or for some other reason.
I'd love some myself, but like you I can't justify the price tag
With a price tag like that I would have to pass. But they would be lovely to see in a local shop.
A shop near me usually has them in.
Cory Black Venezualan L £6.95 5 for £30
Not the cheapest cory on their list, but it has several other cory species at the same price.
Always a shame, especially when you want to set up the ideal conditions and breed them. Have you tried putting out a request for them on all the fish forums etc? You never know your luck...

I had a group once, however I found they had deformed spines and in the end they did not fair well. Aren't they a cross of another cory, I just cannot recall?
I paid $185 us for a purple tang. That was a bargain. I'm about to buy a valentini puffer, it will likely be $35. 
My point. Go for it! ;)
Ah but Marine you sort of expect to pay top dollar for... even over here with the Great Barrier Reef literally on my doorstep. I must admit I have never paid close attention to the actual cost of marine fish, but I know corals can go for a lot even as tiny frags.
After the expensive and sad expeience I had of Crystal Shrimp I am leary of forking out hundreds of dollars, even with my finches I think the most expensive pair I have where $80 or $90.
I might get a chance to go back to the shop and ask them if they will do a deal, but I am not holding my breathe since they also had a Queensland Saratoga for $280. Crazy those fish can turn into  tank busters and pretty much cant be kept with anything else expect possibly similar sized equally as aggressive fish.
Yes, corals are costly for sure. For me it's a mindset. I'm a patient person. If I want something and don't have the money I can save it. But if I want something and I know this will be my one and only chance to get it, then I really cook the books to make sure I have enough money. But, I do have my limits. I love scoly corals, but they are usually near $300. I just won't do that. 
Wow! $300 for corals, as lovely and colourful as they can be, that does seems a bit on the expensive side.
Even though I do not know how much coral are, or indeed on any iive salt water creatures and fish are, am assuming it largely depends on how common the species are and how big they grow (esp coral)  are the main factors on prices.
It is expensive. And there are some that cost even more. That's why community is so important. I can get a frag of many of the expensive SPS or soft corals and many LPS from someone locally and just wait until it grows large. Then I will take a frag and share that with someone else. By doing this we not only are able to get many corals but we create arks for the corals so that if one dies it still exists elsewhere or if it goes extinct in the wild the species still exists in captivity and has a chance. 
Really the main factor with coral pricing is aesthetics. The same species that is a less attractive color morph will be much cheaper. A bright green scoly is half as much a dark green one is downright affordable. The same is true of zooanthids. Some are just hitchhikers while others go for $100 a polyp. 
Generally speaking we are in an expensive hobby. My family cannot understand why I paid so much for my Siamese Fighters, which then eventually die. It is all comparative with family members spending £££s on designer handbags, which are not my thing! We all get to enjoy whatever we choose to spend our money on, and I like your thinking about keeping the species safe should they die out in the wild, which hopefully they will not. Don't you just love finding a gem of a fish or coral and idealising and caring for it with utter devotion in your own home :)

Back to topic...I have slowly built up my group of Adolfo Cories. The first ones I bought were £10-£20, but it was heartbreaking when I lost three almost immediately for no apparent reason. I now believe they had been wild caught! My LFS had some in for ages and refused to do me a deal, stating someone would come in and pay the price. In the end my patience paid off as I have managed to get some a lot cheaper. Hopefully there will be more BV in the future even if you do not get these ones.

Akasha72 said:
Aren't they a cross of another cory, I just cannot recall?
A colour morph I think but like you I can't remember which one ... planet catfish will know ... back in a mo!colour morph of the Schultzei
Thanks off to have read :)
Ah yes now I remember there is indeed the colour morph plus...
Corydoras venezuelanus
"This species is almost never exported from Venezuela as it is found in coastal drainages that are not collected by exporters. Because of its scientific name, it is often muddled with the confusing trade name for the captive bred black form of Corydoras schultzei."
that's interesting RCA - this is why they are asking a high price for them then. The local fish stores are being duped into thinking these black schultzei's are actually a rare wild venezuelanus 

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