Thinking About ...

I have an update.
Today I decided to bite the bullet, get brave and move the new harlequins out of the fry tank and into the big tank. I counted them in and there's only 9! Either one has died and been eaten or the lfs mis-counted! More likely the latter I think. I would have noticed a body and I've checked the floor and there's not been a jumper that I've missed.
Anyway, the school looks excellant but I'm actually considering increasing it further, possibly up to 20 or 25. I'm about to take some photo's to share to see what you all think :) 

if you want to you can try to get 5-10 BlackSkirt tetras, they are big enough to where they wont get bullied by other fish by reaching what i can assume is 3 Inches 
those fish can be nippy and are not really suitable with my cories or my angels
suitable with corys, but not sure with guppies. I have 2 added with my albino cories and they just huddle with eachother(corries and blackskirt tetras in same corner of tank). I find it cute that the 2 species co-mingle with eachother, But it may not be with yours as each fish is different in attitude 
Quit dithering. You know you are going to get more.
They look great, and we know the bigger the shoal the better the look.
that's what I'm thinking PJM, they look so good but they'll look even better as a much larger school. I'm watching them now and they're all dithering around in a group. It looks really good
BaylorPerez said:
if you want to you can try to get 5-10 BlackSkirt tetras, they are big enough to where they wont get bullied by other fish by reaching what i can assume is 3 Inches 
The skirts would be a potential hazard for the angelfish.  I've never had trouble with skirts and cories (primarily because the skirts couldn't be bothered to go to the bottom of the tank), but the truth of the matter is that it would be an issue for angels.  Angels with their long flowing fins can be easy targets for fast swimmers like skirts.
Akasha72 said:
that's what I'm thinking PJM, they look so good but they'll look even better as a much larger school. I'm watching them now and they're all dithering around in a group. It looks really good
More is always better with a shoaling variety... especially if you have tight shoalers like harlys.
I'd looked into the black widow tetra (that's what we call them here in the UK) and I knew they were no good with sedate fish or fish that had long flowing fins
I've decided to up the number of the harleys to around 25. I'm loving their colour and watching them school/shoal and I think if I was to have a larger group the effect would be amazing to see :)
The tank lights have just come on and the angelfish have behaved themselves. No-one has been eaten in the night - yey ... worrying over nothing lol
PepperjacksMama said:
What type of wood? Never had fungus.
I bought some Azaelea root a while back for one of my tanks and it came out with a lot of fungus.  I did some reading up and found out that it should just go away.  The fish and the cories actually liked the fungus and it didn't do any of them any harm.  It went away entirely inside a couple of weeks.
I've just got another 6 of the midnight rasbora's ... brings me up to somewhere in the region of 20+ now. Once they're big enough to go in the main tank the shoal should look amazing
Just read through all I'm thinking of changing up what I want to do for my big tank when I get it set up. Your harleys are amazing! Also...i may join the C. A. group as I want a bunch of peppered cories in the big 10-12. Tank will be 50-55 gallons. I want my glowlight tetras and black neon tetras in there. I was thinking of harlequins and flame tetras as well. Maybe I should just do a bigger group of glowlight tetras and harlequins....hmm.....things to think about now!! Thanks akasha! Lol.
no problem ... these little harequins are so lovely. They're so colourful and so peaceful.
It turned out that the lfs had mis-counted and there was only 5 not 6 ... not too bothered by that as they were just a swap for the plants I was giving them so they cost me nothing but then I found one with it's tail sticking out of the filter ... it had got sucked in and chewed up ... now that really upset me.
I've now bought a second sponge filter and added that to the compartment containing 6 newly hatched cories (hatched today) and moved the sponge filter from that compartment over to the compartment (my fry tank is seperated into two compartments) containing the new harley babies and 3 baby cories (from a previous spawn) I'm giving it a couple of days to catch up and then the filter that chewed up the baby harley is coming out! Not risking any more babies to it 
So sorry to hear about your baby!! *Gives you hugs* but I'm glad you're successful at breeding them! Hats always a plus at least!
the baby harlequins came from the lfs ... I'm breeding my cories ... or rather my cories are breeding regularly and I'm collecting the eggs and hatching them seperately away from the main tank. I have a 25-30 litre tank that I've seperated into two compartments with a piece glass - newly hatched cories in one side with loads of moss and a sponge filter and the larger one's in the other side (once they get big enough to see newly hatched cories as food) I've now added the newly aquired harlequins to the compartment with the large cory babies to grow out a bit. They are small enough at the moment to be swallowed whole by my angelfish so they have some growing to do!
Does that make sense?

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