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  1. S

    How Do You Make Suckers Suck?

    Hi I am fed up with my heater and pump inlet pipe falling off the aquarium wall as those suckerery things seem to lose flexibility and just don't stick. Even if I change them they seem to last about 2 months :crazy: Am I missing out on a trick? I think I once saw someone say use silicon but...
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    Recommed A Good Tank

    I'm very pleased with my Rena tank and stand. No problems at all.
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    Suggestions For Something To Compete Tank?

    Hi again, It's a long time since I opened this and I still haven't made a decision - but that's probably the best way to be I guess... I went in a different LFS today and saw golden panchax which I have been thinking of for a while but not seen any in the shops. I have had killifish before...
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    Empty Tank Reuse After Disease

    Hi Thanks I should have mentioned it has an undergravel filter so its tricky to keep the media, so if I clean it and want to keep the bacteria I will need to keep the gravel unwashed which I guess is where the infection will be if anywhere. On balance I think its probably best to quickly get...
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    Empty Tank Reuse After Disease

    Hi Our Betta was in a tank by himself and he died yesterday. We think he may have had dropsy as he swelled up horribly but he did not respond to myxazin recommended by our LFS. We would like to replace him but I am a bit concerned that there may be an infection in the tank now? Should I...
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    Suggestions For Something To Compete Tank?

    Hi All, I have been running for 2 years now with no real problems (fingers crossed) and I wonder if I have room to add in a last couple of fish and what they could be? In a 200L moderately planted (ph 7.5) tank I have.... 6 small cory 5 well grown red rainbows 2 small hillstream loach Thats...
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    Decided Against The Rainbows...

    Nice - they have those in my LFS but they look very sliver - will they get more coloured as they grow? Also is my ph OK for them?
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    Decided Against The Rainbows...

    sorry - hit post too soon - see above - thanks
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    Decided Against The Rainbows...

    Hi I asked the other day about buying red rainbows and after thinking about it I didnt as I think they may be a bit boisterous. So... I am left with needing something to "finish off" my tank. Something(or things) really special but I have no idea what :S I currently have a 200L tank with 7.5...
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    Can I Add Red Rainbows

    Ok I didnt realise this until I just did a bit of a google and I see what you mean.... The honest answer is I don't know and I dont know what the ones in my LFS are... but I would be intersted to hear your advice on which of the two would be most suitable for me given the fish I already have...
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    Can I Add Red Rainbows

    Hi I have a 1 year old well cycled 200L tank with a good cannister filter and the following fish... 5 gold danios 5 smallish cory 4 diamond head neon tetras 2 gold gouramis 2 hillstream loach 1 dutch ram I have always wanted rainbow fish (probably red) and a nice person has given me a gift...
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    Ram Protecting Glass Bead?

    Hi A couple of weeks ago I used a blue glass bead about 3/4 of an inch across to weigh down some cucumber and its got left in the tank. My Male (i think) Dutch Ram has got incredibly posessive over it - he hovers just above it, cleans it from any sand and chases off anything that goes near it...
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    Algae Sand

    Sorry I should have said what fish I have... 4 cory 1 goby 6 gold danios 6 diamond head tetras 4 guramis 2 rams 2 apple snails This is is a 200L tank. So I already have 4 cories... they snuffle about a bit but dont seem to be able to turn it all over quickly enough Steve
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    Algae Sand

    Hi My tank is about 6 months old now and well stablilised, but I am getting regular layers of green hairy/stringy algae on the sand. It is also occurring on the rocks and glass but my Goby and the apple snails do seem to keep it down fairly well on hard surfaces The tank is planted with about...
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    Leave House Heating On When Away?

    Thanks all. I realised the heater had a thermostat, but I am not sure what the maximum difference between the outside temperature and water temperature can be before the tank starts to cool. I'll turn the heating off and ask a neighbour to pop in and check after a couple of days. Ta Steve
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    Leave House Heating On When Away?

    Hi I have a 200L tank with what I think is a 300W heater (it came new with the Rena tank) running at 75F. We are in the UK midlands If we go away for a week at this time of year do I need to leave the house heating on for the fish or can I save a bit of C02? Ta Steve
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    Dont Leave Me Guessing!

    Hi Voted for the fish tank. Would have been interesting to know how many people would give up their internet addiction for a fish tank though. Not so sure I could choose between a PC and fish tank :unsure: Steve
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    Cycling With Tetra Safestart

    We started my daughters 5 gallon with this and it worked a treat. I would advise a test kit and a lot of regular checks if you have fish, but having said that we didnt need to do any extraordinary changes. Steve
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    Just Seen Dutch Rams

    Hi Sorry this took me longer than I thought it would but meet Shaun... (named by the kids after Shaun the Sheep - Ram -get it? :lol: ) Certainly my favourite fish at the moment. Steve
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    Just Seen Dutch Rams

    Bought a pair (I hope its a pair !) yesterday - they are such cool and peaceful little fish. Thanks for your advice - spot on Steve
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    Just Seen Dutch Rams

    Thanks a lot! Steve
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    Just Seen Dutch Rams

    researching since I asked the question I *believe* they are the same... The guy in the LFS said they were bred in the Chechz (sp) republic Steve
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    How Many People Live In The U.s.

    About 3,000 miles east of NYC :D Steve
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    Just Seen Dutch Rams

    Hi I have just seen some really nice dutch rams.. the guy at the LFS says they would go nicely in my tank but I am learning to come away and do my homework 8-) 200 L tank with xp2 filter Ph 7.5 - the local water is quite hard water well cycled temperature about 75 moderately well planted...
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    Celery Leaves, My Fish Went Crazy!

    Cool, Ok thanks! but I am still a newbie and I am not sure about feeding...... I have danios, neon blue and thick lipped guaramis, cories and gobies. Will any of these enjoy veggies? If so I'll look out for a screwcumber Ta Steve
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    Celery Leaves, My Fish Went Crazy!

    HOw do you get the veggies to them (on the bottom?) If I put things like Cucumber in it just floats till I take it out and throw it away again Steve
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    Bronze Cory Dead Then Not Dead

    It's just finally gone :-( It was fine until yesterday but very pale since. I gave it a really close look over there were no external marks it looked perfect. I guess I just need to keep a really close eye on the rest now. Thanks for your quick reply anyway Steve
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    Bronze Cory Dead Then Not Dead

    Not spooked as far as I know, when it started we were sat by the tank quietly talking. This has been going on for 24 hours now, no mad panics again but periods of almost normalness followed by periods of looking like he is about to die . From your list I know its not water quality, meds or...
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    Bronze Cory Dead Then Not Dead

    Hi all I have a bronze cory that suddenly flew around the tank like a maniac then looked completely dead for about 10 minutes. Then it came round looking pale and shocked and got more or less back to normal. Now it is again going between comatose and normal activity. There are no external...
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    Bronze Cory Suddenly Goes Wild Then Dies

    Amazingly its still alive !! When I posted first it had not moved for about 10 minutes and I assumed it was dead but I left it in the tank to give it a chance. Now it looks a bit pale and shaken up but its snuffling around again and even ate a bit Wierd - its almost like a seizure Steve
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    Bronze Cory Suddenly Goes Wild Then Dies

    hi A bronze cory I have only had for a couple of months tonight seemed to almost explode around the tank with energy then just sank down and died :-( Does anyone know if this is a sign of disease or just one of those things? I seem to remember that Bronzies sometimes die inexplicably? 0...
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    Bad Tempered Neon Blue Gouramis

    Yes they are 2 males I should have said that. Sounds like good advice I will do that Thanks Steve
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    Bad Tempered Neon Blue Gouramis

    Hi I have moved two neon blue dwarf gouramis from my daughters smaller tank into my 200L as they were continually pecking and chasing at each other. They have been in there for a few days now but they are still hiding at opposite ends of the tank in the plants and snapping if they come across...
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    Whats This Insect Like Thingy?

    Consider it out! Thanks for such fast help! Steve
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    Whats This Insect Like Thingy?

    Thanks - yes I just googled for a pic and thats it spot on! What should I do? leave it for food, watch it grow, or squish it? I am not sure I have any fish which would try to eat it (Gouramis, Corys, Danios and Gobys) Steve
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    Whats This Insect Like Thingy?

    Its too small to take a pic of but there is something walking across the bottom of my tank that I can't identify. Its very thin, about 2/3 of an inch long and bright yellowy green. It seems to be standing up and walking on a set of feet at one end while at the upper end there are 3 (i think)...
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    New To Rainbow Fish

    Thanks The gobies are about 2 1/2 inches long I would guess and are significantly bigger than the smallest cories. I think I will brood on it a bit before I make a purchase - I don't want any harm to come to my current fish Thanks Steve
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    New To Rainbow Fish

    Hi I have a 200L, moderately planted tank with currently:- 3 thick lip Gouramis 5 gold danios 5 cories 2 small gobies. My water is hard and alkaline (about ph7.5). I would like to 'finish off' the tank with some larger rainbow fish. The questions are:- Would these cause any problems with...
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    Blue-green And Brown Algae

    Can you get tests for this? Or is the info available from your water board? Steve
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    How Does The Tank Look?

    Can you change the gravel/substrate without any nitrite spikes? I am already wondering if I made the right choice with sand and if I should go to gravel. Its hard to clean sand without sucking it out of the tank ! Steve