Suggestions For Something To Compete Tank?


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Leicestershire, UK
Hi All,

I have been running for 2 years now with no real problems (fingers crossed) and I wonder if I have room to add in a last couple of fish and what they could be?

In a 200L moderately planted (ph 7.5) tank I have....

6 small cory
5 well grown red rainbows
2 small hillstream loach

Thats about 23 inches of fish in 44 gallons so I should be able to add a couple?

I have thought about more rainbows of a different breed - maybe dwarf neons - but I don't want to rush into owt.

What would be a bit special and fit in peacefully?

Any suggestions?


Pseudomugil furcata or gertrudae would certainly fit the bill for a top-dwelling Rainbow, which appears to be empty at mo (besides at feeding time, depending on what you feed them).

Iriatherina werneri look stunning with full mature male finnage, but I don't think they stay up top, more a mid. Considering your Glossolepis incisus are presumeably a vibrant red anyway in the males, these guys won't add much colour variation, not to mention they may get intimidated by the size difference (4cm versus ~15cm, depsite their small throats which will inhibit predation).

Telmatherina ladigesi would add some gorgeous green and blue hues, while being a mid water Rainbow closer to your Red Rainbow's size. The males are a sight to behold, I so regret not being able to buy a group of these when my tank was too immature, back in late April.

Melanotaenia praecox would certainly be possible, although they are rather timid for Rainbows and will consequently need a sizeable group and plenty of cover in at least one area of your tank, for a bit of confidence.

The biggest potential problem here could actually be the length of your tank and your G. incisus group, as 4-foot is generally considered the minimum length for these guys as they approach adulthood...

"drobbyb" is our resident Rainbow guru, who breeds a lot of Rainbow species, hopefully he will contribute thoughts or you could send him a PM ;)
My own favorites among the larger of the small fish are the rainbow cichlids, Herotilapia multispinosa. they only grow to about 5 inches maximum, are avid plant eaters, which can be a negative in some cases, and are colorful. This is a picture of a few of mine.

The smallest of those fish is shown here in breeding colors tending to some fry.
Hi again,

It's a long time since I opened this and I still haven't made a decision - but that's probably the best way to be I guess...

I went in a different LFS today and saw golden panchax which I have been thinking of for a while but not seen any in the shops. I have had killifish before and liked them. The panchax were quite grown (1 1/2) inches so they should not be rainbow food.

Any comments about these with the rainbows?

If I went with them - How would you group them? 1 on it's own or a male and two or 3 females?
Finally I have some really nice, but quite small, cories. Would the panchax bother them?



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