Search results

  1. zelandonia

    Hamster Help Please!

    It sounds like you've provided her with all the right stuff. I think that she's still chewing the bars because it's a habit now. If she grew up in a smaller cage with not as many toys and she started chewing bars for entertainment then she probably finds it quite rewarding now and it might be...
  2. zelandonia

    My 7 Day Vegetarian Journey- With Pics!

    You may as well start eating fish too because I think the runoff of all the stuff we do on land has done enough damage in the waters. Sorry to be so cynical. :look: z.
  3. zelandonia

    Petting Bettas

    I would just be really careful that there is not residue on your hands before touching a betta (like soap, handcream, cleansers etc.) I don't think a betta would be very comfortable being held out of it's aquarium for long but I do think the occasional little brush on the head with a clean...
  4. zelandonia

    Dog Pics

    I second the nom! It's great they get along so well together! z.
  5. zelandonia

    My Bearded Dragon (joey)

    Joey is so cute!!! POTM for the first picture of him! You might need to resize it before posting in the nomination thread (if you get a second nom). Good luck! Thanks for sharing your pics! z.
  6. zelandonia

    Fish Im Not Supposed To Have

    Are you sure these are fish fry, Smurfy? Is it possible they could be planaria or something else? z.
  7. zelandonia

    December Potm

    Yup, you can nominate the frog for POTM as long as the thread is in the household pets section. There are no FOTM contests anymore. z.
  8. zelandonia

    December Potm

    You can only nominate 1 picture in a thread. If you like all three pictures in the same thread, you can just give a nomination and they the owner decide which picture to use it on. z.
  9. zelandonia

    November's Potm

    C'mon Jess!! Who could resist those shiny brown eyes, those floppy ears, and that wet nose! z.
  10. zelandonia

    Question About Guinea Pigs

    Hi flips, I have had 6 guineas. Only 1 was prone to biting because he wasn't socializes well when he was young. He grew out of it though. The other 5 have all been sweet and have never bitten. Two of them have even learned to "kiss" on command. The only rule I have is that they are never...
  11. zelandonia

    Brushing My Dogs Teeth

    Yeah, a low risk for healthy people like us that are conscious of handwashing but a much higher risk for 4 year olds that play in dirt with feces and then stick their fingers in their mouths! :sick: :sick: Well the majority of people seem to consider them omnivores. Some people still call...
  12. zelandonia

    Brushing My Dogs Teeth

    Although you are right that cats are carnivores, dogs are actually omnivores like us. Although many people may feed barf diets and may be quite happy with it, studies have shown that there is an increased risk of transmitting salmonella to those in contact with the dogs food, dishes, and feces...
  13. zelandonia

    Scariest Thing Ever Happened Tonight

    That sounds pretty scary! I'm glad your cat is ok! Do you see a lot of rabies in Texas? Is there any way you can call the local humane society to come pick up the stray in case s/he needs medical attention? (or if it is rabies so that they can humanely euthanize her and reduce the risk of it...
  14. zelandonia

    Brushing My Dogs Teeth

    I think that raw bones still carry a risk of obstruction (with some dogs everything is a risk!!!) but raw bones also have an increased risk of fracturing teeth and transmitting salmonella to the dog and to the people that handle the raw food. z.
  15. zelandonia

    Brushing My Dogs Teeth

    I respect what you're saying, Synirr. Of course it's completely your right to brush or not brush their teeth. If you've never had a veterinary dental problem than the motivation to brush would be very low. I never brushed my childhood dog's teeth during the 14 years we had him. I'd like to...
  16. zelandonia

    Brushing My Dogs Teeth

    Please be careful with Dentabone. If they are stored for a long time or stored improperly they can become dessicated and very very hard resulting in fractured teeth when your dogs chews on them. Please be careful with feeding your dogs chicken bones. They can become lodged in their esophagus...
  17. zelandonia

    Bloodworm Disaster

    RandomWiktor, What you are going through is really tough and being hard on yourself seems like the best punishment for what happened. However, the way I see it you really shouldn't be punishing yourself. You have always done the absolute best thing for the care and wellbeing of your bettas...
  18. zelandonia

    I'm Very Happy Today As I've Finally Got Some Fish! z.
  19. zelandonia

    My Hamster Had Babies...........

    Hey Trisha, My dwarf hamster book says that babies open their eyes by 10 days of age. It sounds like you have changed her diet in the right way. My book says that they also require more water than usual and that if she is reluctant to leave her nest you can give her more moisture with small...
  20. zelandonia

    Smiles And Tears From My Spca

    I'm so sorry to hear all your bad news, JackDemp. It sounds like you're in for a tough week. I know you'll get through it just fine and you keep Bailey and Addy's memories with you forever. Try to take care of yourself as well this week! z.
  21. zelandonia

    Smiles And Tears From My Spca

    Those are great pictures, JackDemp. I love how each one has a story. I worked in a shelter for 3 years too and know how rewarding and frustrating it can be all at the same time. Out of curiosity, did the vets that looked at Bailey ever test her for Cushing's Disease? I'm sure you are giving...
  22. zelandonia

    Monty's Bathtime

    I second Angel Lady's nomination. Monty is gorgeous!! z.
  23. zelandonia

    Monty's Bathtime

    If a mod moved this thread to household pets, Monty could be nominated for POTM. Does that sound ok to you, SirMinion? z.
  24. zelandonia

    Somethings wrong with my fish!

    How is he now Angelika? I do euthanize my bettas when it appears obvious that they are going to die because to me, it is less painful to do that than it is to watch them dying. (even though both are terrible). Did you put some aquarium salt into his water? That might help him breath a...
  25. zelandonia

    Help! Hamster Has Mites Or Fleas!

    Chiggers are a species of mite. They are also known as red bugs. If your hamster has mites it can be treated with ivermectin. Ivermectin can either be given orally, by injection, or as a topical treatment if diluted. You can get ivermectin from a veterinarian but I'd advise finding a vet...
  26. zelandonia

    My Super Cute Puppy!!!

    He's lovely, what's his name and how old is he? z.
  27. zelandonia


    Thanks, I love him. He is my first hammie, because I've been stuck on guinea pigs for the last 8 years!! z.
  28. Marshall_pic.jpg


  29. zelandonia


    Here is my new hammie, Marshall. He is 17 months already and I got him last week from a breeder. He is past his breeding months so now he will live out his days with me. He is a black campbell's but now he is a little silvered because he is older. He is gorgeous and loves to be handled and...
  30. Marshall_pic2.jpg


  31. Marshallpic1.jpg


  32. zelandonia

    Need to rehome my dog...

    Hi Boozybears, I'm so glad you found a nice place for Chelsea. She is a lovely girl! I know you will miss her but I'm sure she'll settle easily into her new home, especially with all those kids to love her. I'm sorry that you are going through some difficult changes in your life but you have...
  33. zelandonia

    Need to rehome my dog...

    Hi Boozybears, let me know if the other family doesn't work out. I might be able to help out! z.
  34. zelandonia

    A Cupboard

    SRC, I WANT one of those water-less plants! It is so beautiful and perfect for me to take care of! I'm so impressed with your creativity and artistic talent! z.
  35. zelandonia

    Members Gallery Pics

    Elisa and Alanis.....
  36. alanis.jpg


  37. zelandonia

    A fact of life

    ...and they look to be in beautiful condition! Great job raising your babies!! z.
  38. zelandonia

    Fish deformities

    I no longer have her :-( but here is a thread I previously posted about my betta with a deformity: z.
  39. zelandonia

    improvement of mouse house, and a question

    Hey Wolf, Are the mice able to climb back out of the tube that leads into the aquarium past of their mansion or is there another exit I am not seeing? Impressive abode! z.
  40. zelandonia

    wow hot

    Do you have a thermometer to know exactly what temperature the water is? I wouldn't advise cooling unless you know your tank needs it. z.