Somethings wrong with my fish!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2005
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this morning I went in to feed my fish (i have two) and one of them is notmoving very much at all, he is at the bottom, and his head is laying on the gravel, and his back end is floating up, he is alive, but i don't know whats wrong with him. o tried feeding him but he wouldn't eat even when the food sank towards him.

If anyone has any idea as to whats going on and how i can fix it, please let me know
Hows the water? Is it clean? What's the water temp?

let us know
Does he look bloated, what does it look like when he goes to the toilet, plus what do you feed the fish.
sorry, i have been at school a lot, for the first question:

"Hows the water? Is it clean? What's the water temp?"

Water is very clean, i have been changing it a lot for him lately. the water is about 77 degrees or so

the second:

"Is he older?"

no, i just got him recently, he is small too

"Does he look bloated, what does it look like when he goes to the toilet, plus what do you feed the fish."

no, he does not look bloated, a little pale, but otherwise fine, i haven't seen him go to the toilet, i am nothome too often during the day and when home i'm doing homework. i feed him flake foor, or blood worms, or hakari pellet things, he won't eat anythign though i have noticed lately.

``What size tank is he in and does he have any tank mates?``

he is in a 2 gallon bowl with a fake plant and gravel, and no tank mates, just himself
I had a walmart rescue that was starved when I got him. He just layed on his side on the bottom. He died then, but atleast I tried. But that's what it sounds like, is he thin?
his body doesn't look slimey at all, he is kind of pale though, i use aqua clear i think it's called, the one in the white bottle with the blue writing.

he is very very small and skinny, and the top fin is kind of small as well, looks like it has been chewed so i was wondering if i should try to treat that (i have melafix) but I don't want to stress him out more than he already looks right now
He dosn't sound good i'm afraid, could be pale due to the stress of being ill, for the fins you could try a bacteria med if he's own his own, good luck.
thank you, i feel kind of bad, because i have my other betta in a 10 Gallon tank, but i don't know how to put dividers in it to spilt it in half for the both of them, so i have him in a bowl instead. but my other fish (who i've had for well over a year) was fine in the bowl up until less than a month ago when i bought the tank. and i mean, it is so much bigger than those little cups.

he never looked that well, but i thought he would pick up a bit as time went on, they seem to look al ittle unwell when i first get them from pet stores, but soon come around. we shall see. i'm just so afraid of going home to find him expired. i'm afriad to look every day. i will keep my fingers crossed though!

and as for the bacterial stuff, what kind of stuff would you suggest? i live in a very small town so i don't know if the pet store here (which is very very small and doesn't have much of anything) would sell the stuff, they don't sell melafix here, but i can check.
Can you get maracyn two.
i can see if they have it, but again, i live in a very small town up north so there's not much here, but i can travel the distance to the bigger town where they have a wal mart and see if they have any.

he's not on the bottom anymore, but close to the top all the time, and he doesn't move when i put my finger in the bowl, only if i move it close to him.

i just put some food in right above him, and he didn't even look up. :(
well, my fish is still not doing well, so i went to the pet store in town and asked the lady there if she knew anything about fish, she said yes, so i told her what Melvin was doing and she said it is swimbladder and that he will never get better?

it is really upsetting me, because he is just laying head first on the bottom, he won't eat a thing, and today he is not breathing a whole lot, very shalow breaths. i covered up his bowl with a towel to give him some darkness wwith a bit not over the top for his air

i kind of feel bad for keeping him alive like this, because he is basically starving to death because he is not eating anything, food will land right next to him but he won't move at all. but i can't kill him i can't do that to him. i don't know what to do. any suggestions?
How is he now Angelika?

I do euthanize my bettas when it appears obvious that they are going to die because to me, it is less painful to do that than it is to watch them dying. (even though both are terrible).

Did you put some aquarium salt into his water? That might help him breath a little. You can also lower the water level so he can reach the surface easier (but it sounds like he may not be swimming anymore). I hope he is doing better but your description sounds like he might not be able to recover. Good luck with him. I am sending you good thoughts.


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