Petting Bettas


Sep 3, 2005
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One of my neighbors said she used to have a male betta in a big tank and said every day when she came home the betta would come to the top and she would stick her finger in the tank and the betta would let her pet it and it would rub up against her finger. Now she wants me to go and get her a 1g bowl and a betta and she says she wants to get this betta to do the same thing. Do you all see a problem with it because I told her if it dies in less than a month I wouldn't get another one for her because I would know how it died or if I caught her doing it I would take the betta back to my house. So do you all see a problem with her doing this and if you do tell me things to persuade her from doing it.
I don't see a problem with it. My aunt used to hold her betta in her hand out of water while the kids in her class (she's a teacher) would change the water. The bettta lived a long time.

If you have a problem with it though, I would recommend simply not buying her one, especially if you know she intends to do that. Kinda pointless to buy her one knowing her intentions, then to say if you catch her doing it you'll take it back.

I hold my goldfish in my hands and stroke them, orange pip loves it.
Alright thanks, I just didn't know if it like damaged their slime coat or something.
It can but i don't do it alot, just when i wan't to cuddle them. :lol:
Well she said she did it every day. She was talkling about all these awesome fish she had and she said she had this fish that lit up to a almost solid blue at night and you could see through it, what could that be? But she said that some kid that was related to her was only 2 and got a real hammer for x-mas and went up to the tank and hit it and smashed the whole tank and she said she couldn't save the small fish because she had a shagg carpet and the small fish went into the carpet and she said she lost all the fish. :S
That's awful poor things, what a 2 years old doing running around with a hammer, good god,
Well these people are kinda stupid red necks and she like gave her 17 year old daughter beer and her other daughter was yelling at her for giving the 17 year old beer and everyone could hear it and feel it when she kept slamming the door. :rolleyes:
What's red necks mean, rough, well letting a 2 year old run around with a real hammer, he could hurt himself with it, besides hurting others.
I would just be really careful that there is not residue on your hands before touching a betta (like soap, handcream, cleansers etc.) I don't think a betta would be very comfortable being held out of it's aquarium for long but I do think the occasional little brush on the head with a clean finger is ok. At least that way the betta can move away of (s)he doesn't like it!

I pet the ones of mine that will let me. ^^ A lot of my females are hand tamed, they'll come over to your fingers and nibble on them and everything. But I also make sure there's nothing on my hands before I do that.
I think its ok, it just sounds weird to me.
What's red necks mean, rough, well letting a 2 year old run around with a real hammer, he could hurt himself with it, besides hurting others.
Red necks are people that drink beer and smoke cigarettes all the time every day and spend all their money on it and they are irresponible and can't hold a job.
Sheesh Durbkat, thats kind of harsh don't ya think? I think someone you just explained is a drunk... Red Necks are people that have lives that revolve around farming and hunting, and yeah.. some may drink bit. lol, mostly everybody that lives here are Red Necks... But they all work at Marvin Windows so they can keep jobs :)
I'm just joking around but this person does drink beer and smoke all the time and only has a job at a dry cleaner.

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