Fish Im Not Supposed To Have

How could a catfish live as year in a unheated and unfiltered tank for a year with no food severina?
You left an empty tank just sitting there for over a year? :crazy:
How could a catfish live as year in a unheated and unfiltered tank for a year with no food severina?
I know thats such a lie. And how can u not see the catfish for a year?
Plz dont lie ... cuz u are horrible at it :p
Wow..he must've had really good memory when he was little. To remember exactly one day after a year..hmm
on reviewing what the other members have said, i have realised that i am to gullable and will believe anything. it's prob immposible for a catfish to survive in those conditions.
I am actually inclined to believe it somewhat (at least to a degree). You would be amazed at what some fish can survive, I have seen some absolutely horrific instances of fishkeeping in the past. Alot of the time the tank water hasn't been changed in a few years (since the tank was brought), all sorts of algae, fetid looking plants and god knows what really grows in the tank and yet a few very hardy fish still get by (by hardy, I don't mean they were all hardy species either), often without being fed for months and living off whatever they find in the tank. Most of the time in tanks like these there isn't a light or heater in sight either.

I'm not saying that I condone it in any way, shape or form (because I definitely don't) but fish can be alot more adaptable than alot people give them credit for. On the other side of the coin, just because some fish can adapt to such conditions, that isn't an excuse to do it.
What stretches my belief is not the fact of a hardy catfish surviving, but the mentality of a family that would leave a tank sitting around for a year with what they believed to be a dead body in it. :unsure: Why would any one want a smelly fetid tank around the house when they had a whole year in which to drain it?
What stretches my belief is not the fact of a hardy catfish surviving, but the mentality of a family that would leave a tank sitting around for a year with what they believed to be a dead body in it. :unsure: Why would any one want a smelly fetid tank around the house when they had a whole year in which to drain it?

agreed :sick:
my brother in law has a tank which he no longer uses, its been sitting in the kitchen with the water in but with no heater and no pumps working, he asked me if i wanted it, then 3 days later he went to clean in out and there were tiny (1.5mm) fish swimming in there

how is this possible

Are you sure these are fish fry, Smurfy? Is it possible they could be planaria or something else?

Speaking of fish living in horrid conditions. About 6months ago I helped my sister move into a house she had bought. Upon arrival I was pleased to find a 20gallon long, and a 3foot 35gallon tank empty in the garage. The 20gallon hadn't been used in what looked like years as it was full of saw dust and many other things. As for the 35gallon, it still had a substrate with some water in the bottom, so it had recently been drained. After about an hour of being there I went into the washroom, only to find a pleco in the toilet. After talking with my brother in law apparently the house had sat empty for nearly a month. Meaning this poor fish had been sitting there the entire time. Long story short, he is now happily living in 42 gallon tank right next to my desk... Only bad news is I believe it is a common pleco and need to rehome him or invest in a bigger tank :)

edit: As for leaving a tank setup for a year with dead fish in it... that is sick.
Dang I knew common plecos were tuff but I didn't know they could live a month in a dirty toliet with untreated water and no food, oxygen, filtration, or heat. :blink:
Speaking of fish living in horrid conditions. About 6months ago I helped my sister move into a house she had bought. Upon arrival I was pleased to find a 20gallon long, and a 3foot 35gallon tank empty in the garage. The 20gallon hadn't been used in what looked like years as it was full of saw dust and many other things. As for the 35gallon, it still had a substrate with some water in the bottom, so it had recently been drained. After about an hour of being there I went into the washroom, only to find a pleco in the toilet. After talking with my brother in law apparently the house had sat empty for nearly a month. Meaning this poor fish had been sitting there the entire time. Long story short, he is now happily living in 42 gallon tank right next to my desk... Only bad news is I believe it is a common pleco and need to rehome him or invest in a bigger tank :)

edit: As for leaving a tank setup for a year with dead fish in it... that is sick.

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