Search results

  1. zelandonia

    Paranoia Or Ich?

    Ich is pretty common in a new aquarium. The fish are often stressed and immune suppressed if the water conditions are not ideal. When I had ich my fish were not rubbing or flicking either. The white spots look like small, raised grains of salt. Is it possible to post a picture? There are...
  2. zelandonia

    My New Molly Is Acting Weird.....

    The directions in the test kit will tell you what the levels should be. Cycling is a process whereby 2 types of bacteria form within your filter. The first is a nitrosomonas species which converts ammonia to nitrite. The second is a Nitrobacter species which converts nitrite to nitrate...
  3. zelandonia

    My New Molly Is Acting Weird.....

    You might want to read throught the pinned threads about cycling. Your tank is not cycled and therefore ammonia and nitrates can build up to harmful levels in your tank. Did you declorinate the water before adding it onto the aquarium? Do you have an ammonia test kit so you can see what the...
  4. zelandonia

    Korben Dallas

    He's beautiful and I love his aquarium! It looks so natural. I like his name! My cat is named Leeloo! z.
  5. zelandonia

    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    Thanks, TF! I get it now. Those are very valid peeves and I think I might have even done the second one so it's nice to know! z.
  6. zelandonia

    The Tff T-shirt Page

    Those are really clever. I can't wait for more!!!! z.
  7. zelandonia


    and they take action on reported posts. :nod: z.
  8. zelandonia

    Could You Please Help Me Id This Fish?

    Thanks. It's my 10th exam and I'm having a little trouble concentrating. This is what she is calling a yellow barb: (also, if anyone is interested in any of these fish mentioned in the thread and lives near Guelph, Ontario let me know and I can put you in contact with the person finding them...
  9. yellow_barb.jpg


  10. zelandonia

    Could You Please Help Me Id This Fish?

    Thanks, Bloo. I agree, I don't think it sounds totally compatible with the ones I already have. She also has some blue gouramis available (not truely a community fish?), a danio (I might get this one as I already have 2 danios in the tank), and 2 yellow barbs (have to do some research on these...
  11. zelandonia

    Could You Please Help Me Id This Fish?

    Thanks everyone, that's exactly what it is! I know someone who is giving some FW fish away and I am trying to decide if any of them would suit my tank. Thanks for the help. z.
  12. zelandonia

    Could You Please Help Me Id This Fish?

    In some of the forums below the box where you enter your message is an area where you can browse and then attach a photo from your hard drive. This option is available in the nonfish photographs section and the aquarium pictures section but it is not available in tropical chit chat and some...
  13. zelandonia

    Could You Please Help Me Id This Fish?

    Thanks a lot! z.
  14. fish.jpg


  15. zelandonia

    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    Hi Tempestuousfury, I'm confused about your peeve, could you clarify for me? Would you prefer people post more or less to simple posts? Or is it the simple posts that peeve you? Sorry my brain is tired from exams so I could use the extra explaining! :look: Thanks. z.
  16. zelandonia

    Ick On Painted Glass?

    If they are raised, white bumps that resemble grains of salt than it is likely Ich. (I usually just type Ick cause that's how I feel about it, sorry). It is a protozoan called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis that lives within the fish's epithelium for part of its lifecycle. You can presume that...
  17. 6_whiteSpot_.jpg


  18. zelandonia

    Ick On Painted Glass?

    Don't give up hope just because it's a glass fish. I have a glass fish that is 2 years old that survived a bout of Ick when I first got my aquarium. Read up on how to treat ick and hopefully your fish will survive. As already mentioned, you need to treat the entire tank and not just the fish...
  19. zelandonia

    Any Advice?

    Can you put a little bowl of food on the bottom level as well? That way she can discover the tubes in her own time and then when she finds the food on the top floor it will be a big reward. When you are confident she can reliably navigate the tubes you can take away the food from the first...
  20. zelandonia

    Urgent: Please Read

    That's a great letter. I admire your proactive approach and I'm sorry you had to see all those horrific sights. z.
  21. zelandonia

    Spring Has Sprung...

    I can't wait to see the foal!!! How many are there altogether? I love the one with the black face, white mane, and black spots on the sides! So cute!!!! z.
  22. zelandonia

    Gypsy Harassing Flowerhorn Fry

    Wow, she's gotten big!! I can see all the scratch marks on the carpet from trying to play with them. That's funny!! z.
  23. zelandonia

    Sick Cockatiel

    I'm so sorry to hear that Regan passed away. It sounds like you did everything you could to make her better though. Birds are so stoic that they rarely even show they are sick until it is already too take to resolve the problem. RIP Regan. :-( z.
  24. zelandonia

    Spring Has Sprung...

    I know I didn't have to but that picture really deserves one! It's definately not a coerced nom!! Your horsie pics are fabulous. I wish I could see the herd in person! I hope someone seconds the nom!! z.
  25. zelandonia

    Spring Has Sprung...

    POTM for the first picture! It's no crab but it's beautiful just the same!!! :lol: z.
  26. zelandonia

    March Pet Of The Month

    This is a tough month- there are several that are well deserving! I am happy with my final decision and can't wait to see who wins! z.
  27. zelandonia

    The Crabitat Of '06

    I nominate him/her for POTM z.
  28. zelandonia

    Dog Ate Fish Food Is This Bad?

    It can be bad if your dog is vomiting a lot because he can get dehydrated and have metabolic problems. If he is still vomiting a lot and seems sick/lethargic I would advise you to take him to a vet and have him checked out. If he only vomited a few times but seems bright and is eating normally...
  29. zelandonia

    The Crabitat Of '06

    Great crab-crib! He doesn't look much like mom and pop, though. ;) z.
  30. zelandonia

    Save A Puppy

    I agree with Wendy too. If there even if a sick dog, they could have prevented it by getting him vaccinated for parvovirus at 8 and 12 weeks and then they only have to spend about $60 not $2000.00. I hope the dogs survives but what are they going to do later on in life when he eats a sock or...
  31. zelandonia

    He Won't Shut Up, And He Won't Leaver Her Alone.

    When was your dog castrated? Testosterone will still be in a male dog's body for a week or two after the surgery even though it is no longer being produced. Also, the younger the dog is castrated the more affect the alteration will have on his behaviour. Some of the male behaviours become a...
  32. zelandonia

    Shelter Animal Video

    I doubt some of those dogs in that video were actually being euthanized. Usually the fluffy, small, cute lap dogs get adopted fairly well. It's the pits and rottis that usually have trouble finding new homes- especially if they haven't been obedience trained. They likely filmed the smaller...
  33. zelandonia

    France Trip

    It looks like you're having a great time! I've never been. z.
  34. zelandonia

    Africa - Namibia And Botswana (part 3 - Etosha Wildlife)

    These are amazing!! You should apply for national geographic. Do you mind if I save some of them? I might like to use them as desktops or maybe even have some printed off and framed if you don't object? Thanks. z.
  35. zelandonia

    Africa - Namibia And Botswana (part 4 - Lions, Hyena Etc.)

    Those are amazing pictures. The lion in the 5th picture down has a broken left lower canine. The hyena must have just eaten cause he looks saturated in blood. Uuuggghhhh. I love the pics and am jealous of your experience. Thanks for taking the time to load them all. I am going to go check...
  36. zelandonia

    Heater Broke

    It is a good idea to unplug all the electrical connections when doing water changes. z.
  37. zelandonia

    "personality" Fish

    I can't believe I'm the first person to say BETTAS!!! :hyper: :hyper: Just step inside the betta forum. Just one step. I dare you. GOTCHA!!!! z.
  38. zelandonia

    I Am God !

    Are there live plants in your tank- could it have come in on a plant? z.
  39. zelandonia

    All Fishes Have Died In <2 Hrs

    Cycle is useless in my opinion. Actually, it does have a purpose- it makes money for the LFS! z.
  40. zelandonia

    Shelter Animal Video

    I have worked in a shelter and also have had to euthanize many animals- most of the ones I euthanized had a health, behaviour, or age related reason. I did feel awful for the geriatic pets that got dropped off by their owners who had convinced themselves that someone else would want to adopt...