He Won't Shut Up, And He Won't Leaver Her Alone.


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
I /thought/ that castration in dogs was supposed to mellow them out...Stop humping, or lessen it anyway...

Blue doesn't seem to think so. Ever since he came back from the vet and his medicine wore off, he has been trying to hump Sadie ALOT more than usual. And when she turns and bites him on his cheek (Looks like it hurts too) he just isn't getting the hint. She's old, and does not like him hanging all over her, so she is constantly being bugged by Blue. We have to keep sending him to bed, cause if he's anywhere near her, temptation is just too strong.

First of all she has a pimple on her back, and he won't stop sniffing and trying to lick it. That gets on her nerves. Same with another one on her ear.

When she gets mad and bites and snarrls at him, he just gets mad back and will sit as close as he can to her, and cries and whines, and if he gets too frusterated he'll start barking at her a little. If she ignores him, he'll start barking at US! He's just getting very frusterated over the hole thing.

When he goes outside, he doesn't want to go anywhere unless she's out there with him. He'll stand by the door for a few minutes and whine to get in. Of coarse, he's going to have to deal with that for a few days, cause he just got the surgery done on tuesday.

Err....Anyway to calm him down? I think he's might be feeling funny where his testies were chopped, and is confusing what might be pain for....horniness?

I dunno, but he doesn't want to leave Sadies side now...And she cannot stand up without him tail ending her.
When was your dog castrated? Testosterone will still be in a male dog's body for a week or two after the surgery even though it is no longer being produced. Also, the younger the dog is castrated the more affect the alteration will have on his behaviour. Some of the male behaviours become a learned behaviour so if a male is castrated as an adult, the surgery may not have much of an effect on his behaviour.


oops: I just reread your post and see that it was done on Tuesday. I'd give him a little longer to let the behaviour settle down.
Agree with zelandonia :nod: Just give it some time - however also keep in mind what was said about the age of the dog and learned behaviour.
I'd say he's about just under 2yr's old.

"Testosterone will still be in a male dog's body for a week or two after the surgery even though it is no longer being produced."

Yeah. :p I just find it really wierd that he used to only go after her when she like...Tried to stand up on something, like if her front legs were on the couch or something. Now, as soon as he walks by her, he goes crazy. :X
Could it not be more to do with a dominance gesture rather than a testosterone driven one? Its the same if a dog humps a human its for dominance reasons.
It could be many things, ranging from residual testosterone (is she spayed? If not, maybe she's going into heat and he can still smell it), to learned behavior since he seems to have been nuetered terribly late, down to - as others mentioned - dominance. You said the female is getting on in years; perhaps she is not feeling well, and only he is picking up on it since dogs are discrete about such things. If she seems weaker to him, he may be mounting her out of dominance. Though I will say, I know plenty of castrated male dogs who still hump because they were castrated after allready sexually maturing.
"Could it not be more to do with a dominance gesture rather than a testosterone driven one? Its the same if a dog humps a human its for dominance reasons."

I wouldn't think so...He never had this problem before. For a male dog, he was suprisingly good at not humping anyone....Occasionally made love to a large stuffed animal. :lol: Other than that, it wasn't a problem.

"It could be many things, ranging from residual testosterone (is she spayed? If not, maybe she's going into heat and he can still smell it), to learned behavior since he seems to have been nuetered terribly late, down to - as others mentioned - dominance. You said the female is getting on in years; perhaps she is not feeling well, and only he is picking up on it since dogs are discrete about such things. If she seems weaker to him, he may be mounting her out of dominance. Though I will say, I know plenty of castrated male dogs who still hump because they were castrated after allready sexually maturing."

Yup, she's spayed. Been spayed for....7yrsish?

Still...Odd that the humping has gotten 5 times worse after his castration...

He's almost stalker crazy over her right now. o.o He constantly sniffs her like crazy.

If it was dominance, wouldn't he be....Trying to be mean to her or show her who's boss?

He backs off when she growls at him...Temporarily. And he gets /so/ sad when she growls at him for sniffing her. So, he'll lay down and cry at her.

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