Tropical FF Pet Peeves

Well, you've got to realize that they have other responsibilities, too. I.e. taking breaks, trolling for customers, having betta fights in the back room, etc.

As for them being experts, it is plain to see that they are not... I just started working at a pet store, so it is still new and interesting for me, so I am doing everything as I am supposed to, though I would think that over time you'd be jaded enough to skip a few tasks now and then, though removing dead fish would still occur once a day at the very least...

My TFF pet peeve:
People posting once or twice, or not at all, to otherwise simple posts, esp. such things as posts by new members in the newbie section! of course, then there are those one-liner copy-and-pastes, which might piss me off nearly as much... *grr*
Pet peeve: when someone posts a tank pic in the "member's aquarium photo" section and immendiately 20 people jump all over them about their tank stocking. Only one person needs to point out that goldfish don't belong in a tropical tank, the other 19 "OMG u so can't have dem in there!!1!one" are useless. The thread shifts from sharing your tank to ganging up on the person. Especially if the OP says "thanks for that, I've moved them", why harp on about it?

*grrr* :p
IMO, a point system wouldn't be great as it would cause so much bad feeling - the "i'm better than you" or "I've more points than you so I must be right" or "it's not fair, I deserve more points" etc etc. everyone wants to be recognised/ respected, after all.
My biggest gripe is when people interpret a post in the worst light possible - e.g. assume people are a bit thick or ignorant or whatever rather than assume that most people are as intelligent / well meaning /etc as they are.
these are good ideas but the mods have enough to do as it is
Some peeve thoughts:

1) I have no problem with people saying "agreed" for the reasons stated above. If one of our members swings into a thread and leaves an educated and experienced comment, I think that single word is a confirmatory poll response.

2) Thank you responses. Hmmmm. There is no doubt that some of the avator labels, such as 'leader of the fishes', can be misleading. They do not imply an extensive knowledge of freshwater or marine aquarism. I'm not sure that volume of thank yous would either. Certainly it is a nice added forum feature. A response of thank you or clicking the radio button on that says 'yes, this comment was helpful', doesn't certify that correct information was given.

Should mods have a 'seal of approval' icon that can be given to members?

Is it votable? Should members be able to vote for 'TFF Leaders'? Would those labels have negative effects? Not sure. Something to think about. SH

How about some kind of point system, where only the moderators can like give out a point to someone for giving a credible or informative post. Soft of like a post count, but a point count instead. I guess it would be up to the Mods on what is justification for a point. Then you could even take away points for misleading or bad information that is given out.
My TFF pet peeve:
People posting once or twice, or not at all, to otherwise simple posts, esp. such things as posts by new members in the newbie section!

Hi Tempestuousfury, I'm confused about your peeve, could you clarify for me? Would you prefer people post more or less to simple posts? Or is it the simple posts that peeve you? Sorry my brain is tired from exams so I could use the extra explaining! :look:


I find it annoying when someone wants advise or a fish identified, and then as soon as you give them an answer or a suggestion, they point blank refuse your answer. IF YOU ALREADY KNOW, WHY ASK?
one guy at a pet store tryed to convince me that it was ok to keep a common pleco in a 5 gallon with three platies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i put a question on this site about silver sharks and was told not a good idea in my set up because they would eat very small fish and they grow to 12" or more,

my lfs said they would be fine because yhey are not meat eaters

it,s a sharks for gods sake -_-

i put a question on this site about silver sharks and was told not a good idea in my set up because they would eat very small fish and they grow to 12" or more,

my lfs said they would be fine because they are not meat eaters

it,s a sharks for gods sake -_-
i put a question on this site about silver sharks and was told not a good idea in my set up because they would eat very small fish and they grow to 12" or more,

my lfs said they would be fine because yhey are not meat eaters

it,s a sharks for gods sake -_-

Well, they are not actually sharks... they are just given that name because of their shape.

And also, not all sharks are carnvivorous - the biggest of all sharks is a herbivore. although I am not sure if there are any other herbivorous sharks....
my tff peeves, well i havent been here long but here are mine :blush:

1) people thinking the fish you have are 'boring' because they are the simple, apparently non intresting fish and starter fish. people have there own likes and dislikes, people arent a shool of fish following everyone else :lol:

2) people always want bigger/better/nicer tanks, no matter what they have they want to change it. everyone hasnt got all the money in the world to get the most expensive stuff, as long as the fish are healthy and happy thats all that counts :good:

3) people answering peoples questions and then be seen not doing the answer themselves :rolleyes: if you give advice please implement it in your fish keeping, and not be seen posting the question a few weeks later

thanks about it atm :nod:
My biggest gripe is when people interpret a post in the worst light possible - e.g. assume people are a bit thick or ignorant or whatever rather than assume that most people are as intelligent / well meaning /etc as they are.
Thats a good one.

It is very hard to convey any kind of real emotion in simple narrative as we have here. Smilies go someway to helping, but more often than not its not easy to pick up on the spirit that the post was written in.

It is my belief that a lot of agruements on the board come about when people post either on a contentious issue or something close to their heart and then read the replies expecting there to be confrontation.

In my short time here, I have learnt to try and read all posts with an open mind (easier said than done!).
I have also noticed, that those people with a lot of posts are (usually) the best at scribing their replies to avoid this!

So, another peeve; people who can't read a post with an open mind!
A question, no matter how stupid it may seem, is beneficial. Atleast they are asking, and took their time to come here and learn. Maybe they should have earlier, but atleast us TFF'ers can help them out now they found this place! ;)

Research is golden. I dont know why people dont do more of it. It will save you money, and cause less stress to YOU and the fish! :p

Those are some of my slight annoyances. They are more situations rather than examples. :)
i hate it when people submit a new topic or reply to a post just to get an extra point.
hello ijay, how do you know there doing it to get another point? oh great stuff, just got another point. LOL, really, dont think people are that sad, maybe they just enjoy the pleasure of comunication and maybe they do have a genuine question or answer!

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