Africa - Namibia And Botswana (part 4 - Lions, Hyena Etc.)


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
We were extremely lucky to see this many lion and so close up ! Note the one male has a nasty gash above his left eye. Actually you can't see it that well on the low res pic.









wow, they are extraordinary, and breathtaking as naughtygirlrlw said. You are so lucky to get that close, and very clever to capture those moments. Were you really that close or does your camera have a fantastic zoom lol.
Thanks guys. You can see from the group shot of the pride exactly how close we were - that was taken without any zoom :)
I'm getting rather jelouse now of your camera skills
AGAIN, WONDERFUL PICS. :good: I absolutely love the lions. One of my favorite animals. The third pic is brilliant, looks like she's smiling. Great work on those pics. Brilliant.
Those are amazing pictures. The lion in the 5th picture down has a broken left lower canine. The hyena must have just eaten cause he looks saturated in blood. Uuuggghhhh. I love the pics and am jealous of your experience. Thanks for taking the time to load them all. I am going to go check out the others now!

Incredible pics! :D

I never seen such great pics of Hyenas. Have you thought of sending those in to National Geographic?
WoW - can't believe you guys deem it worthy of the National Geographic :look: that's very kind of you to think so, but no i've really not thought about anything like that. Perhaps I'll look into such options more ! :D
That one with the Male showing his teeth is incredible. You have gotten some once in a lifetime type shots. I really have enjoyed seeing all the pictures. Thanks for sharing :D
I am so glad youve numbered these lol.
Stunning - again :D
wow! those lions are beautiful! was there a grown male amoung them? the hyena is stunning too- it looks like he has blood around his mouth- amazing pictures
Thanks a lot for all your lovely comments kairi ! :D

Nope - there wasn't a grown male amongst that pride of 11. The male with the gash above his eye (yawning) and female were in a completely different area.

We were quite lucky with the Hyena - but unfortunately didn't see where they came from. When they spotted us they were on there way "who knows where", and ran off pretty sharpish. So quick lucky to snap that pic :)
I am like REALLY jealous right now, lions have always been my favorite animal....I want to go to Africa just to see them :p

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