Shelter Animal Video

poor animals :-( Do you ever whatch a programe called animal cops houston, its good because the animal cops put people in jail for mistreating animals damn right anall, they should be locked up.
whatch it you might like it, its on around 10:00pm
:-( :-( :-( :-(

I think we all know the reality, but to see it like that is absolutely heart breaking and gut wrenching. It's just horrendous.

gggooo, You should however put a little warning by the link to say that it containts extremely upsetting material.

An incentive for anyone with a pet to microchip and neuter/spay their pet/s.
that had me in tears! it was horrible, i could never do that. How can people be so heartless? :-(
Which people do you think are heartless ? The ones putting them to sleep or the ex owners of those animals ?
the ex owners, sorry should have made tht more clear. The title of this thread isnt exactly tasteful either.
Yeah you are right :/ and yes, I do think the title should be changed and a "warning" issued.
Very sad. Had me close to tears, especially the images at the end. :-( All my pets are shelter pets and they are all wonderful animals. It's a shame what happens to the others.

I have added in a warning until gggooo returns to add his/her own.
I have worked in a shelter and also have had to euthanize many animals- most of the ones I euthanized had a health, behaviour, or age related reason. I did feel awful for the geriatic pets that got dropped off by their owners who had convinced themselves that someone else would want to adopt their aged pet. However, today I spayed my first shelter cat and she is going to get adopted soon. I'm glad she won't be having kittens.

Oh. My. God. I am in tears. W-w-hy them? They just wanted to be happy. Poor babies. You know what really hurt? In the video they showed some of the ppl getting the dogs that were to be put down. And as they walked with the dog. they dog was so trusting and was wagging its tail. They didn't know they were about to love their last moment on earth.
That's the sad truth, and exactly why everyone should spay and neuter their pets.
I doubt some of those dogs in that video were actually being euthanized. Usually the fluffy, small, cute lap dogs get adopted fairly well. It's the pits and rottis that usually have trouble finding new homes- especially if they haven't been obedience trained. They likely filmed the smaller dogs for the heart tugging effect. It doesn't change the real message though, as Synirr summed it up.


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