Search results

  1. Junior Gent

    Juwel Trigon 190 Stocking

    Hello   I am planning quite a substantial upgrade from my little 30ltr to a Juwel 190ltr corner tank. As its a triangle the sizes are 70cm x 70cm x 120cm perimeter and 60cm height. I will be going with a Sand substrate.   I will be transferring across   5 x Cardinals 1 x Bristlenose plec   I...
  2. Junior Gent

    Sourcing Nerite Snails

    I live in Yorkshire UK, I have pets at home nearby but don't tend to use them. I use the local independents. They have what they call zebra snails which I really like. Are they different to nerite zebra snails? Or would they be the same?
  3. Junior Gent

    Sourcing Nerite Snails

    Hello everyone   After 3 years running a 10 gallon I've decided to set up a 19litre nano tank. I've cycled it and my Betta Chief is happy in there. I've been asking about nerite snails in my LFS's an none of them have heard of them. Are they really hard to get hold of or are they known as...
  4. Junior Gent

    Meet My New Buddy Chief

    Hi guys heres my new mate Chief, think he was a bit of a steal at £3.95       Junior gent
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  7. Junior Gent

    Stocking Suggestions

    Do you think a could have a honey gourami in there? JG
  8. Junior Gent

    Stocking Suggestions

    I've got a 30 litre tank and currently a stocking of 2x male Endlers 2x dwarf African frogs Any ideas on what else I could get to live there? I previously had a Betta in there and could go back to that option, but wondered if anyone else has ideas I could use. Thanks JG
  9. Junior Gent

    Betta Replacement

    I know very little about killifish? Would they be suitable for that size tank? are there any specific killifish species i should be looking out for? JG
  10. Junior Gent

    Betta Replacement

    So ive since found a home for Mr Bristle nose, ive now got two options of moving forward Current stocking is 2x Male Endler, 2x green african dwarf frog 1st option is add a Betta and another Endler 2nd get a Honey Gourami and a couple of guppys JG
  11. Junior Gent

    Stocking Advise For A New Tank

    I currently have a 10 gallon, unfortunately i lost my Betta yesterday. my stocking prior to that was 1 x crowntail betta 2 x true male endler 2x dwarf green aquatic frogs 1 x bristle nose plec this is pretty much fully stocked maybe slightly over but i do clean regularly and my water...
  12. Junior Gent

    Betta Replacement

    Unfotunately i lost my beloved Betta yesterday, showing no signs of illness in previous days i returned home from work to see him spiralling around the bottom of the tank, with very enlarged eyes. I swiftly called my LFS which is very good and they advised me to get a cure for a bacterial...
  13. Junior Gent

    Lemon Bristle Nose Plec

    thank you Minnnt, a little to tiny to fully enjoy just yet, but im thinking he will be a great addition to my tank in time. JG
  14. Junior Gent

    Lemon Bristle Nose Plec

    pardon my ignorance ive never heard of a L144? what are they? JG
  15. Junior Gent

    Recommended Small Algae Eater

    I would say a bristlenose plec is your best bet to clear the algae, how soon after setting up your tank did you put your Otto's in? They tend to like a mature tank, i wouldnt consider putting one in a tank less than 6 months mature even with a fish-less cycle. JG P.s Bristlenose's are great...
  16. Junior Gent

    Lemon Bristle Nose Plec

    Hi All I wanted a friend for Colin my Bristle nose plec, ive shopped around to see if there are any other varieties of bristle nose in my LFS. I stumbled across what was labelled as a "Lemon Bristle Nose Plec (Black Eyed)", the LFS i got it from does like to play around with names especially if...
  17. Junior Gent


    I had cherry shrimp that my Beta developed a taste for and i lost them all. I replaced them with what was labelled as Bamboo/wood shrimp, which i believe can also be called rock shrimp. Although they dont have the brightnesss of the cherry shrimp they have some very intresting colouration and...
  18. Junior Gent

    He gets on very very well with the endlers, unfortunately he developed a taste for my cherry...

    He gets on very very well with the endlers, unfortunately he developed a taste for my cherry shrimp and they very quickly became lunch. So i replaced them with much larger bamboo shrimp and he goes nowhere near. Although crown tails can have a reputation for being a little more aggresive than...
  19. Junior Gent


    Ok thankyou for your quick response, im hoping it doesnt take too long, but you never know with these things JG
  20. Junior Gent


    Hi all Im fairly new to keeping fish, ive had the above tank running since february and i love it. Its my first ever tank and im very happy with it but i have an issue. At the front bottom of the tank the ceramic media and pebbles touching the "glass" collects alot of green algae and its very...
  21. Junior Gent

    Shrimp Names

    no im afraid im up in Yorkshire. Thanks for your swift response
  22. Junior Gent

    Shrimp Names

    Ive relatively new to keeping fish, ive had my tank since Christmas, i cycled it and its now running like a dream. I previously had some cherry shrimp in there, as much as i loved them my crown tail betta loved them more, and i lost the lot. So after leaving it a while ive decided to get some...
  23. Junior Gent

    Biorb Problems

    Ive got the same problem, im not sure a vacuum would work that well, ive got a layer of marbles covering the filter material so access is difficult. JG
  24. Junior Gent

    Guppies Tails In Shreds

    It had to be the Betta, they are sneaky little things and know when your not watching, mine took all my shrimp through the night, never once saw him chase them through the day. JG
  25. Junior Gent

    Shrimp Munching Betta

    Has anybody got experience of Yamoto shrimps? A LFS has some in near me. they seem to have a blue tinge to them, and on their shoulders they seem to have a solid plate that isnt transparent like the rest. Do you think they would grow big enough not to be as appealing to a Betta, the LFS said so...
  26. Junior Gent

    Guppies Tails In Shreds

    If its a male betta then im pretty sure he will be the culprit. JG
  27. Junior Gent

    Stocking Tropical 8 Gal Tank

    fish blast its a silk 'Chinese Sea Lilly'. I didnt buy it coz of its name or authenticity i just like the look of it. My Betta thinks its a great cushion. he just lies across it. JG
  28. Junior Gent

    Shrimp Munching Betta

    Thanks for that im going to try hunt some down in my LFS's. I know one had Bamboo shrimps last time i were there but they are really big and i deffinately dont have the floor space for them. I know they vary in sizes but are they like 50% bigger or twice the size, just so i can get a perspective...
  29. Junior Gent

    Stocking Tropical 8 Gal Tank

    it must have just levelled out, Hjb if i were you i would check the ammonia and NitrIte levels daily. How long have the fish been in? And how quickly did you put them in? Were only asking these question so we can assertain what stage you tank/water chemisrty is at. I understand the fish look...
  30. Junior Gent

    Shrimp Munching Betta

    Hi everyone So ive got a blue crowntail betta living with 3 endlers in a 30litre tank. I had 5 cherry shrimp, but unfotunately they have mysteriously dissapeared. Clearly my Betta had a taste for them. Do you think that if my Betta has a taste for one type of shrimp he will have a taste for all...
  31. Junior Gent

    Stocking Tropical 8 Gal Tank

    Cheers HJB, you should post up photo's of yours. But what you really need to do before thinking about adding anything else is correct your current stocking levels. So how long have you had fish in your tank? What method did you use to cycle the tank? Can u give any info on water chemistry...
  32. Junior Gent

    Stocking Tropical 8 Gal Tank

    Im afraid you are over stocked, i got bought a Biorb Life 30ltr and i currently have 1x crowntail betta and 3 x male endlers. I did have cherry shrimp but they fell foul to my betta. this is my tank below JG
  33. Junior Gent

    New Tank Photo's

    My cherry shrimp were all nearly completely white when i got them. After 6 hours they all had turned to the vibrant red colour. They must be happy in there. My Betta seems to be too. Now for the next tank!
  34. Junior Gent

    My New Best Mate

    the fins look even better when he's swimming around. The photo's dont really show it but he has a hint of pink in him on his body and fins and a red beard. Very lucky to find him. JG
  35. Junior Gent

    My New Best Mate

    They are male endlers, very similar to guppy's i know but they are normally more tolerant to them. JG
  36. Junior Gent

    New Tank Photo's

    Thankyou very much, at £3.60 i thought he was a bargain JG
  37. Junior Gent

    New Tank Photo's

    A big thankyou for all your help in getting my tank up and running. Here's a few photo's, i hope you like them. JG
  38. Junior Gent

    My New Best Mate

    Here's my new housemate, i havent got a name yet, but he only cost £3.60 i thought he was a bargain. Hope you all like him
  39. Junior Gent

    Frogs Getting Trapped

    Not good news but if thats best for the frogs then back they go. JG