Guppies Tails In Shreds


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
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Please can anyone offer advice to my problem of guppies tails in shreds. I have a 120 litre Fluval fishtank which has been set up since end of Dec. 2011. I came in from work this evening to find 3 out of my 6 guppies tails ripped. I have added fish gradually every few weeks and have been doing a wsekly 20% water change. I feed the fish with flaked food in am and freeze dried blood worms at night. I also give one pleco wafer per day for the albino plec. I have real plants along the back and side of the tank to offer cover. I also have a rock cave which the pleco lives in. The fish in tank are 3 glass catfish, 6 guppies, 14 neon tetras, 1 albino pleco, 1 beta, 3 dalmation mollies and 1 red eyed tetra. My local petshop advised me all these fish are compatible. I have noticed the guppies nipping at each others tails before but they have never caused any damage to each other before. The red eyed tetra chases the guppies sometimes but have not seen him cause any damage. Who is the culprit and how do I stop the tail shredding?

Thanks Beverley.
I would place my money on the red-eyed tetra. I had two penguin tetras that mutilated my guppies. What was the last fish added before the tail problem?
The last fish added was one dalmation molly and 3 guppies before that. The red eyed tetra was one of the first fish that I got in January.
If its a male betta then im pretty sure he will be the culprit.

Its the Betta! Take it out! I had the same problem 6 months ago and I couldnt work it out until one night when I woke up and SAW the little @#$% attacking it in the night! As soon as I took it out and put Melfix (fixes fin rot and torn fins) The guppies recovered and their tails were back to normal :)
It'll be the Betta, he might not do it while you're around as they know when you're watching.
Bettas & guppies do not get along, if you leave him in, he will eventually kill them
i would agree with mark most tetras are quite nippy especially towards longer finned fish, also these are a shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of around 10 which helps discourage fin nipping. also male bettas can be agressive toward other bright coloured fish.
i would agree with mark most tetras are quite nippy especially towards longer finned fish,

are they? neons and cardinals are often recomended to be put with guppys i have both with no problems, should i expect future problems? :unsure:
i would agree with mark most tetras are quite nippy especially towards longer finned fish,

are they? neons and cardinals are often recomended to be put with guppys i have both with no problems, should i expect future problems? :unsure:

not if there kept in large enough groups, besides neons and cardinals are both quite small so dont think they would pose much of a threat
i would agree with mark most tetras are quite nippy especially towards longer finned fish,

are they? neons and cardinals are often recomended to be put with guppys i have both with no problems, should i expect future problems? :unsure:

not if there kept in large enough groups, besides neons and cardinals are both quite small so dont think they would pose much of a threat

Neons are quite small, but Cardinal's certainly aren't. Some of mine are 2 inches long.

When I got up this morning the other 3 guppies tails are now in shreds so I have set up a smaller tank and put the red eyed tetra and one small yellow mollie as I noticed him nipping the betas fins. I do not think it is the beta as it is a very quiet fish and has never shown any agression or nipping tendancies towards any of the other fish. I have seen the neon tetras which are small nipping the betas fins which are now a bit ragged at the end. I did wonder if the guppies are nipping each other's tails as they are all male. I read that female guppies should be kept with male guppies. The beta is my favorite fish so I don't want to get rid of him.
It could be the tetras, but although you don't see the Betta doing anything, I still believe he's the prime suspect.
Can you divide the tank & keep him separate for a while?
It could be the tetras, but although you don't see the Betta doing anything, I still believe he's the prime suspect.
Can you divide the tank & keep him separate for a while?

How would I divide tank? I asked in my local pet shop & they said tank dividers aren't available any more and they advised me to buy another tank but I do not have the room for any more tanks.
Go to another pet/fish shop
Dividers are available, you could also look on eBay for them

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