Frogs Getting Trapped

Junior Gent

Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
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Ok i have this problem, Ive got a biorb life (the square type) fully cycled and yesterday i stocked with 3 male endlers, 5 cherry shrimp and 5 aqutic frogs. I plan to add a Crowntail betta i have reserved next week then im fully stocked. Unfortunately twice within a day i have found frogs on the inside of the filter. And they dont seem to be able to get out even though they get in. Im not sure if this is because they see it as a safe place as they are new. but they all seem very lively and happy to be in their new tank. Im thinking of putting some netting around the outside of the filter to block the holes. Anyone got any ideas what i could use to stick the netting to the outside that wont contaminate the tank.

thanks JG
The problem is your orb is not appropriate for the frogs - - they need floorspace, not height. Something a round tank does not provide

Also, you said aquatic frogs - which species? There are two readily available in the market and they look very similar to someone unfamiliar with them, but their needs are vastly different.

Also, both species should not be kept with fish.
This is my Biorb Jenste


Its much more freindly to fish than the orb style. It has a much larger bottom to the tank and more importantly a much larger surface area for oxygen. Do you still think is unsuitable for frogs? should i return them? Ive got dwarf african aquatic frogs, from the research i have done they are heppy to live alongside fish, but if im wrong im happy to take that on board and do something about it.

Betty Boo the biorb has a permenantly fixed filter holder on the bottom. So you just slide the filter and tube in and twist it. The frogs seem to be getting under the fixed part of the filter and in to the side of it. I want to use netting but it will have to be secured under water as its a fixed part of the tank, any suggestions as to how to fix it while under?

scrap my comment above i misread that you had a biorb.this is not suitable for frogs at all.the best thing would be to take them back :good:theres not a lot of floor space in these really.
Not good news but if thats best for the frogs then back they go.

tbh even biorb themselves state that their tanks aren't really suitable for most bottom dwellers,
Also with frogs especially they will often hide in places where they feel secure but have a high risk of getting trapped.

Nice setup though

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