Lemon Bristle Nose Plec

Junior Gent

Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi All

I wanted a friend for Colin my Bristle nose plec, ive shopped around to see if there are any other varieties of bristle nose in my LFS. I stumbled across what was labelled as a "Lemon Bristle Nose Plec (Black Eyed)", the LFS i got it from does like to play around with names especially if they have Betta's, ive recently seen "Short Finned Delta Siamese Fighting Fish" of Plakat Betta to other LFS. So i were wondering if the BN was named correctly. It is bright yellow and has got black eyes like suggested, which im guessing is to distinguish it from an Albino. In any case i couldnt resist and he sits lovely in my tank, im so glad i stumbled over him, i thought £4.99 was pretty reasonable even though he's no larger than 2 centremetres from nose to tail.

Thanks JG
pardon my ignorance ive never heard of a L144? what are they?

Pardon me if I'm being dumb here but why do you call a fish a "L144" I mean I really have never understood why people change their name to numbers.. :look:

thank you Minnnt, a little to tiny to fully enjoy just yet, but im thinking he will be a great addition to my tank in time.


Lemon BN's are sought after fish and usually carry a nice premium. You did very well for £4.99 :good:
L004, L101, L099 etc

Are called L-numbers, they are individual catalog code's used to define different Catfish and Plecos.

If you go to planetcatfish you can take a look at the ridiculous amount of species recorded.

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