Shrimp Munching Betta

Junior Gent

Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi everyone

So ive got a blue crowntail betta living with 3 endlers in a 30litre tank. I had 5 cherry shrimp, but unfotunately they have mysteriously dissapeared. Clearly my Betta had a taste for them. Do you think that if my Betta has a taste for one type of shrimp he will have a taste for all types of shrimp? Has anybody got experiece of a betta eating one type and leaving another? I thought the cherry shrimp i had were a good size, obviously not! and they have got more hiding places than they could ever dream of.

thanks JG
I originally put 4 ghost shrimp into my 5 gallon with my betta last fall. They did great for like a month, then they all disappeared within one week :rolleyes:
Fast forward to three months ago... I decided to add three new ghost shrimp. No problems (so far). I just make sure I don't miss a feeding! I think if he gets hungry and nabs a bite, he'd remember how tasty they are and eat them all again. :D
Bigger shrimps such as Amanos /Algae shrimp tend to work well, there quite a bit bigger than Cherries, i added adult cherries with small females and they ripped them to shreads!

they actually hunted them as a pack!
Thanks for that im going to try hunt some down in my LFS's. I know one had Bamboo shrimps last time i were there but they are really big and i deffinately dont have the floor space for them. I know they vary in sizes but are they like 50% bigger or twice the size, just so i can get a perspective as to what im looking for.


Oh and thanks for the feeding advice, i think ghost shrimps are a very similer size to cherries so that would worry me.
Ghosts are usually around 4-5cm, whereas cherries tend to be 2-3cm and unlike cherries, they aren't brightly coloured. Their lack of colour is less likely to attract the attention of your betta and their larger size is more likely to put the betta off attacking them :good:
My betta hunted down and destroyed five cherries. These were fully grown adults and we're the pick of my old breeding colony. I have since put four black crystals in with him and he has not even touched them. They are smaller than the cherries so I am not sure why. Maybe the colour isn't as attractive lol.
One of mine lives quite happily with shrimp, the other 2 think they're tasty snacks.
I think it just depends on the Bettas temperament.
The crown tails do seem to be more aggressive
Has anybody got experience of Yamoto shrimps? A LFS has some in near me. they seem to have a blue tinge to them, and on their shoulders they seem to have a solid plate that isnt transparent like the rest. Do you think they would grow big enough not to be as appealing to a Betta, the LFS said so but can we always believe them?


Another LFS has ghosh shrimp but they only seem to be the same size as the cherries, ill keep my eyes open for some larger ones


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