Sourcing Nerite Snails

Junior Gent

Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
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Hello everyone
After 3 years running a 10 gallon I've decided to set up a 19litre nano tank. I've cycled it and my Betta Chief is happy in there. I've been asking about nerite snails in my LFS's an none of them have heard of them. Are they really hard to get hold of or are they known as something else?
Where are you based?
In UK and US i think they're pretty easy to get hold of in most larger LFS stores.
I live in Yorkshire UK, I have pets at home nearby but don't tend to use them. I use the local independents. They have what they call zebra snails which I really like. Are they different to nerite zebra snails? Or would they be the same?
Yes there are zebra nerites. I have about 9 of them, great snails look very nice, they are good at cleaning too . They do like to lay eggs ( on my bog wood) but they won't hatch in freshwater. Think the lfs will want around £2-2.50 each for them.

I also had tiger nerites that never hardly went below surface water level only at night. They all died. Donno what happened with them
baker360360 said:
Yes there are zebra nerites. I have about 9 of them, great snails look very nice, they are good at cleaning too . They do like to lay eggs ( on my bog wood) but they won't hatch in freshwater. Think the lfs will want around £2-2.50 each for them.

I also had tiger nerites that never hardly went below surface water level only at night. They all died. Donno what happened with them
Starvation probably is the cause, they are algae eating machine and need a lot of algae every day, having 9 in one tank will quickly take care of most of the algae on glass etc.
I had a single tracked nerite in a 10 gal, that died too and i tried to get it to eat algae wafers, wont take to that unfortunately :/
Ch4rlie said:
Yes there are zebra nerites. I have about 9 of them, great snails look very nice, they are good at cleaning too . They do like to lay eggs ( on my bog wood) but they won't hatch in freshwater. Think the lfs will want around £2-2.50 each for them.I also had tiger nerites that never hardly went below surface water level only at night. They all died. Donno what happened with them
 Starvation probably is the cause, they are algae eating machine and need a lot of algae every day, having 9 in one tank will quickly take care of most of the algae on glass etc. I had a single tracked nerite in a 10 gal, that died too and i tried to get it to eat algae wafers, wont take to that unfortunately :/
Had 5 tiger nerites that died, the zebra (9) are all still ther, had them about a year in my 50g.

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