Stocking Tropical 8 Gal Tank


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Hi there,

I have bought an 8 gallon (30ltrs) biorb flow and i really like it.
At the moment i have 5 male guppies and 6 harlequin rasboras and they are all living happily together.
I am planning on getting some ghost shrimp aswell.

Is there any peaceful fish as like a centrepiece for my tank such as dwarf gouramis?

It has ceramic media and feng shui pebbles at the bottom so i can't have any cories.

I would be very grateful for your answers!
In before:
Tank too small.
People who don't like biorbs.
Too many fish in it.
Im afraid you are over stocked, i got bought a Biorb Life 30ltr and i currently have 1x crowntail betta and 3 x male endlers. I did have cherry shrimp but they fell foul to my betta. this is my tank below


I think ill just put a couple of shrimp in then.

Thanks for the answers!
I think ill just put a couple of shrimp in then.

Thanks for the answers!
Yeah but move fish to a bigger one.
Shrimp maybe they'd survive there.
But fish and in that many numbers, Idk. If they were like 3-4 endlers or guppies they'd probably still manage but with all those harlequins...
Your tank looks really nice and it looks similar lo mine with the plants and the pebble sculpture!

Thanks for the advice :good:
Would the fishes i have get on with ghost or cherry shrimp?
Cheers HJB, you should post up photo's of yours.

But what you really need to do before thinking about adding anything else is correct your current stocking levels.

So how long have you had fish in your tank?

What method did you use to cycle the tank?

Can u give any info on water chemistry? i.e Ammonia, PH, nitrItes and nitrAtes.

Your tank is too small the harlequins require a 10 gallon tank at the least and that's just for them.

i put the biorb stress zyme and everything like that which came with he biorb. My amonia and nitrate levels are great. I waited till they were right and this only took a week. I added the fish and it rose a bit but the day after it went back to normal again. The fih dont fightand they seem really happy!
are you saying that your fishless cycle took a week - or just your ammonia and Nitrite leveling out took a week?
it must have just levelled out, Hjb if i were you i would check the ammonia and NitrIte levels daily. How long have the fish been in? And how quickly did you put them in? Were only asking these question so we can assertain what stage you tank/water chemisrty is at.

I understand the fish look happy, but the issue you have is the waste that that amount of fish produce is too much for that tank to process to gain optimum water conditions. Fish living in poor water conditions live for a massively reduced amount of time through gill damage due to toxins, or disease through stress.

Thats why it has been suggested on here that you are overstocked and should deal with that issue instead of putting anything else in.


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