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    Please Help Me Save My Fry!

    Do you have any way you can seperate the fry from the adults,if you want to keep the fry you will need to get a small tank,sponge filter etc but you may loose them when trying to seperate the parents. You really need to be set up allready if you want to keep your fry in future spawning. Good...

    Wanting To Try Marines

    Hi seffieuk Thanks for replying. Your right about not wanting to drill holes etc, i was wondering if i could put whatever was needed in the 65l tank next to the main tank and then kind of feed everything into the main tank, but im not very clued up on how sumps or skimmers work, would we be...

    Wanting To Try Marines

    Hi lewiss Thanks for replying. The main tank dimensions are 40L x 15W x18H and yes i have 3lights in the hood. I was hoping to have fish,coral and inverts once i have the right equipment and knowledge. My main tank is an aqua one ar980 im not sure if your familiar with these tanks, the hood is...

    Wanting To Try Marines

    Hi guys At the momment i have 3 tanks, the main tank is an aqua one ar980(240l) and at either side i have an aquastart 500(65l) The lid on the aqua one ar980 is not very good for hanging say a protein skimmer on the back or whatevers needed. would i be able to do anything with the tanks on...

    Wanting To Try Marines

    Hello guys I have been thinking about changing my set ups to cross over into the marines section and am looking for help & guidance. At the momment i have 3 tanks, the main tank is an aqua one ar980(240l) and at either side i have an aqua start 500(65l), the lid on the back of the aqua one ar980...

    Dwarf Chiclids

    Can anybody help me to change my name from capital letters to the norm, im not very good with pcs. I believe with my name being all capital letters that this is kind of classed as shouting and probably puts people off replying to any of my topics Thanks :unsure:

    Dwarf Chiclids

    Hi folks I am in need of a change in one of my tanks, i have 1 aqua one ar980 tank and 2 aqua start 500!s. All 3 tanks have malawi chiclids in them. I have put the yellow labs and the afra jalo reefs into the big tank .so i now have an empty 65l tank which i was kind of thinking to put in some...

    Malawi Cichlid

    Yes mark4hay Thats a red zebra as well

    Malawi Cichlid

    Hi mark4hay If you just want a mixture of malawis and are not looking to breeding any fry etc then you could have yellow labs which would enhance the colours in your tank and perhaps salousi or socofoli which would add some bright blue colours, it really depends on your own tastes. If you are...

    Malawi Cichlid

    Hi mark4hay These fish are juvenile red zebras they will grow to about 6 inches in size

    Malawi Cichlid

    Hi mark4hay It would be fine to add 5-6 fish for starters, just make sure you have plenty of hiding places(between the rocks or stones) and when you come to add more fish re-arrange the rocks, stones or whatever you have so that your first lot of fish dont have an established bit of territory...

    From 65 To 12 In Three Weeks.

    Hi blubble There may be a few reasons why all your fry are dying off,water conditions,what your feeding them on. The reason i mentioned a sponge filter is because you were saying they were getting sucked into your filter or knocked about with the output of the filter and the best filters if you...

    From 65 To 12 In Three Weeks.

    Hi blubble Sponge filters work from an air pump with an airline going from the pump to an inlet on the sponge filter. Go on to ebay and type in sponge filters and you will see different types and sizes depending on tank volumes :rolleyes:

    From 65 To 12 In Three Weeks.

    Hi blubble You should be using sponge filters in your tank that has any fry in it as these filters will cause no harm to the fry in that there is no suction or current to harm them

    Malawi Cichlid

    Hi mark It depends on the type of malawis you are thinking of getting as their size will determine how many you can get for your tank. The smallest types are the dwarf cichlids which are around the 3inch mark for example, demasonis, afras salousi just 3 examples. Then you go up to the 5-6inches...

    Scottish Fish Store Directory

    Discovery Aquatics the new one in dundee is very good and the tanks are a lot cleaner than house of pisces.There is a very good selection of tropical and marines

    Cycling Multiple Filters In One Tank

    Im not so sure that putting 4 filters in such a small tank all at the same time will give each one a chance to aquire the same amount of bacteria for each one. you may have to stagger the procedure to maybe 2 first then the other 2 after a while

    What Can I Use To Have Lots Of Tanks Stacked Above Eachother In My Gar

    Hi geordie2011 Your right you dont need to use a stand from the fish shop, a cabinet would be okay as long as its sturdy enough. You will need to find out which way your floor joists are running so that you can sit your tank running across them,if you can get a look at your chipboard flooring...

    What Can I Use To Have Lots Of Tanks Stacked Above Eachother In My Gar

    Hi geordie2011 i would say the racking would support the size of tanks your after with no problems, when you say 12 tanks i assume you are saying 4 on bttm, 4 midd and 4 top. the tanks on the bottom are more or less sitting on your garage floor you would just need to pack shims under the bottom...

    What Can I Use To Have Lots Of Tanks Stacked Above Eachother In My Gar

    Hi geordie2011 go onto google and type in heavy duty steel shelving then go down to the 4th one i think its racking uk, click onto this and you will see a picture of the type of setup you are looking for. this racking setup can be put together by yourself and with the 4 legs having all the...

    What Can I Use To Have Lots Of Tanks Stacked Above Eachother In My Gar

    Hi geordie2011 If you can get heavy duty steel racking and the connections joining the cross members to the legs are strong enough as regards fixing points then you should have no problems with the weight issue.depending on the wall you are standing the racking against you could always anchor...

    What Can I Use To Have Lots Of Tanks Stacked Above Eachother In My Gar

    Hi geordie I am assuming that you dont know anyone in the metalworking game that could help you out as regarding making your racks. what about going to the likes of halfords or one of the diy places which sell steel storage racks which you put together your self, some of these types are pretty...

    What Can I Use To Have Lots Of Tanks Stacked Above Eachother In My Gar

    hi geordie2011 I would say to be on the safe side regarding weight and the height it would be best if you were able to get the frames made out of steel angle bar either...

    My Fish Are Going Nuts Any Reason?

    how long has your tank been setup and can you get some readings on your water quality you may need to start doing big water changes for a start

    Problem With Water Quality

    Do you know anyone who can give you some media from there filter as you have probably killed some of your bacteria when you cleaned your filter(only clean your filter with water from your tank,never clean tap water)

    Sudden Fish Death During Water Change

    To jv24. If its only 2 buckets your adding when doing a water change why not boil a kettle full and then top up the buckets with the hot water rather than using hot tap water which may not be okay depending on your water tank and where you live(water region)

    Sudden Fish Death During Water Change

    Whats the temperature of the fresh water when you add it to your tank, do you add hot water to it

    Going On Holiday Help

    To sharonmooney i agree with what kitkat and rdp50734 are saying, when you go to get an auto feeder you should think about what your tank lid is like in relation to the tyoe of auto feeder you are going to get as they have different ways of attatching to your tank, some attatch onto the top of...

    Going On Holiday Help

    I was assuming that the tank would get sufficient light through the daylight so as not to need the light on if they didnt really want to put it on a timer as some people might not be keen on putting to many things on timers assuming that house lights will be on timers during hols

    Recommend Me A Small Filter

    Fluval 1 is small and silent

    Going On Holiday Help

    How many and what kind of fish do you have. You can buy holiday blocks from your lfs which will release food in the tank as it breaks up through time,you also can buy automatic fish feeders from your lfs which work with a timer clock releasing food every 6-12 hours or so, also you can put your...

    Fluval Roma 90

    you forgot about postage skins. He might need it asap

    Fluval Roma 90

    If your talking about the API master test kit i think pets at home sell them but they are not cheap ,30 pounds or so

    Hot Tap Water

    I have a combi boiler but when you run the hot tap the water comes out cloudy compared to the clear water from the cold tap is this still okay, i have been using the kettle up till now

    Fry Feeding While On Hols

    Hi folks has any one got any tips on how to feed fry when on holiday, I have about 30 yellow lab fry in a tank and i will be going on holiday shortly for 2 weeks and there is really no one able to come in and feed them. I wondered if anyone had any ideas or suggestions on how to keep them...

    Why Is It Not On New Content Page

    Can any body tell me why when i put a new topic in it never seems to go onto the 1st page of the new topics and i have to go into my posts to access it

    Sponge Filter

    Hi folks, Can anyone tell me how often they would clean a sponge filter in a tank with about 30 yellow lab fry. Tank and fry look fine, When feeding crushed flakes the powder if not eaten mostly lands on the sponge filter(filter type lies horizontal) just worried a build up might affect the...

    Labs Holding

    hi guys i have a female yellow lab on its own in a 65l tank it should spit the fry any day now, is it okay to put her back in the main tank a day or 2 after she releases and then put a second holding lab into the tank with the new fry, will the fry be okay with a new holding lab

    Labs Holding

    Hi guys, i have 1 yellow lab on its own in 1 tank who should be ready to spit any day now, once she has can i put her back in the main tank after a day or2 and then put a holding female from the main tank into the tank with the newly spat fry,will the fry be okay with this new holding lab.

    What Does It Mean

    Hi stephen when you see the term f1 it refers to fish caught from the wild as opposed to fish that are tank bred.