Sudden Fish Death During Water Change


Fish Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
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today i did my weekly water change. After i had removed my usual amount of water i started to refill my tank as normal.
When i came to add my second bucket of water i noticed 3 of my Rosbaro Harlequins were dead. These must have died within minutes of adding my fresh water.
The only things i can think of is the sudden change in temperature shocked them? or i damaged them when adding the new water. I do take my time when adding water as not to startle the fish too much.
My water stats or all fine and i treat the water before adding to the tank. Any ideas????
thanks :sad:
today i did my weekly water change. After i had removed my usual amount of water i started to refill my tank as normal.
When i came to add my second bucket of water i noticed 3 of my Rosbaro Harlequins were dead. These must have died within minutes of adding my fresh water.
The only things i can think of is the sudden change in temperature shocked them? or i damaged them when adding the new water. I do take my time when adding water as not to startle the fish too much.
My water stats or all fine and i treat the water before adding to the tank. Any ideas????

Whats the temperature of the fresh water when you add it to your tank, do you add hot water to it
The water is just cold tap water, i never add hot water i thought there are more dangerous chemicals in hot water. Am i wrong????
today i did my weekly water change. After i had removed my usual amount of water i started to refill my tank as normal.
When i came to add my second bucket of water i noticed 3 of my Rosbaro Harlequins were dead. These must have died within minutes of adding my fresh water.
The only things i can think of is the sudden change in temperature shocked them? or i damaged them when adding the new water. I do take my time when adding water as not to startle the fish too much.
My water stats or all fine and i treat the water before adding to the tank. Any ideas????

i always had hot water out the tap and mix it with cold and dechloriniator in my water change bucket then place a plank of wood across the top of my tank and place the bucket onto the wood and syphon the water from the bucket into the tank , that way its not a blast of water into the tank
Be careful adding water out of the hot tap - in some houses (including mine), it's not drinking water, and it comes from a tank in your loft which has god knows what in it...

I can only use cold water, so what I do is prepare it the night before by filling up buckets, covering them, and leaving them in a warm room (preferably by some sort of radiator, but this isn't essential).

When it comes to water change time, I then just add it straight in, and treat the tank with AquaSafe to make sure.

To jv24. If its only 2 buckets your adding when doing a water change why not boil a kettle full and then top up the buckets with the hot water rather than using hot tap water which may not be okay depending on your water tank and where you live(water region)
If you have a combie boiler then its fine to use hot water from the tap, this is what i do to match tank water temp.

I think using boiled water to raise the water temp may be favorite. I will give it go. So you think it was the change in temperature that killed the fish then?
I think using boiled water to raise the water temp may be favorite. I will give it go. So you think it was the change in temperature that killed the fish then?
With are current winter climate, cold water drawn straight from the tap will be of a very low temp. I would say yes and that it was the shock.

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