Scottish Fish Store Directory

Although some have written about Aberdeen already, i thought i would give me 2 cents worth!

Acorn Pet Centres - Aberdeen

Quality of Stock - 2/10 - i went in for the first time last week. Only one tank was disease free! All the others had signs up.

Service 0/10- Cant say i am super critical of staff having worked in a shop for 5 years, but when the shop is empty, and not one person came to speak to me, i cant even give one point!

Variety Of stock 3/10 - Nothing special, all the usuals. But, i am giving lower points as they don't have them in species only tanks (not that it makes a difference), but they have a good 10 species in each, so the number of each is small. i.e. 3 danios, 4 guppys etc. Not much choice if you want to get a few!

Other comments - none

Dobies - Aberdeen

Quality of Stock - 8/10 - Only once have i had any problem from them. Tanks are all super clean and clear

Service 5/10- Sometimes a bit of a wait to get served, but get there eventually. The staff are hit or miss with knowledge, a guy there always talks rubbish to me, and before i learnt to do my own research BEFORE turning up to a shop and asking, he sold me an aggressive fish telling me it would be fine. After killing 6 fish in my tank over night, i brought it back with the facts i learnt from my research. I was told "Oh yeh, i forgot they were aggressive!"

Variety Of stock 8/10 - Normally have good stock, a fair range, and always worth admiring the marine fish :)

Other comments - none

A1 - Aberdeen

Quality of Stock - 8/10 - Despite the rumors, i have never once had an issue with this place!

Service 7/10- Now, when i first started coming here, i was a little put off. They are quite abrupt, and like others have mentioned, can be very condescending. However,I believe this is an Aberdonian trate. I soon learned to ignore that part, and now have some good chats with them! I also own a couple parrots, so we chat about them and the fish. I get good advise from them. I can understand why people are put off, but all i can say, is dont be!

Variety Of stock 7/10 - Depends what day you go in. They get weekly deliveries, so if you time it wrong, they wont have much. However, they get a lot of bonus points from me as if you want a fish, they will source it for you!

Other comments - none

WaterWorld - Aberdeen

Quality of Stock - 5/10 - Been in a couple times, multiple dead fish in every tank!

Service 2/10- I may look to contradict myself after comments about A1, but i find the staff here to be rude! First off, i was ignored, not a hello or anything despite walking right past the desk. I had to wait, and then interrupt the staff chatting about their last ngiht out to get help, and then got one word answers before they continued their stories to each other.

Variety Of stock 7/10 - They did seem to have a fair amount of stock

Other comments - After being ignored each time i went in, i have not been back and have never actually bought fish from there.

Pets at Home - Aberdeen

Quality of Stock - 5/10 - Sitting on the fence here. At times, they have multiple tanks closed for sale due to disease. See my notes!

Service 7/10- Have to wait and hunt down staff when they are busy. Some staff are, despite the general Pets at Home reputation, VERY knowledgable. I have found that generally if they dont know, they will ask someone else. Better than giving BS! Once i got a rainbow shark, which got huffy with my other fish. After chatting for half an hour with an employee, she gave me lots of advice about rearranging the tank in certain ways etc, which solved my problem straight away.

Variety Of stock 7/10 - The usual, but normally plenty of it

Other comments - I once got a fish which had a disease, it quickly killed off half my tank! I went marching in and had words with the manager. He was great. Gave me a refund for the fish, and also my evaluation of the fish that i lost! Spot on! I found out that they quarantine their fish for a matter of hours before going on sale - no wonder they get ill and stressed! So i wrote to Head Office and expressed my views on the matter. I got a letter in reply stating they follow all laws relating to the welfare of animals etc, so not much more to say i guess :/ I do still shop there though as i know, if something does go wrong, they will fix it! Unlike a lot of other places! I'm just super careful about what i buy

Hope this helps :)
i know it can be a hard thing to quantify i.e. your 'best' might not be someone elses 'best' but i'm wondering what LFS are considered to be up there with the best of them in scotland? the place i used to frequent (ultimate aquatics in cupar) closed a while back so now i buy from house of pisces in dundee. i'm based in fife by the way.

so are there any LFS in bonnie scotland that a) have a good selection of tropical & marine and b) are considered great in terms of their knowledge, cleanliness of tanks etc etc?
I only know ones in the Edinburgh region, and of those OutsideInside Aquatics in East Lothian are by far the best. Small, and tropical only, but a good selection of well looked after fish and knowledgeable staff who have the livestock's best interest at heart.
Water Wonders in Edinburgh (gorgie area) , good selection, but grubby downstairs but the fish are fine.....
Will also order a lot of Czech bred in for you :good:

I visited the place in Cupar after hearing all these wonderful thins about it, I got there only to be informed it had been closed for about 9 months :lol:
Yeah, Water Wonders are the best one within the city. Could do with a lick of paint but pretty good fish, especially if you're into your cichlids.
I'm not sure I could pick a 'Best LFS in Scotland', but there are definitely a few worth visiting;

Outside Inside Aquatics, Haddington, East Lothian.
East Lothian Aquatics, Between Tranent and Macmerry, East Lothian.
Ocean Life, Leith Walk, Edinburgh.
House of Pisces, Dundee.

I didn't know Ultimate Aquatics had closed. When did that happen?
I see Maidenhead have now branched out into Scotland. They've just opened their first Scottish store in Coatbridge, just outside Glasgow.

Anybody been? I can't wait to check it out.
I didn't know Ultimate Aquatics had closed. When did that happen?

around a year ago i think. was a very nice shop with good selection of cold/tropical/marine and equipment etc etc, staff seemed quite knowledgeable. i've read some things online though about folk taking legal action against them for taking £ for goods then not delivering (close to the time they closed down) don't know how much truth there is in that though. all that aside it's a shame as it was a good LFS on many levels.
That really is a shame. It's never good to see an LFS close down, especially one which was considered one of the best in the country by many hobbyists.

I tried visiting their website ( but it redircts you to the Practical Fishkeeping magazine website, so I guess Ultimate is well and truly gone. :sad:

Have you been to the new Maidenhead in Coatbridge yet? I've not spoken to anyone who has, so I'm interested to get some info.
That really is a shame. It's never good to see an LFS close down, especially one which was considered one of the best in the country by many hobbyists.

I tried visiting their website ( but it redircts you to the Practical Fishkeeping magazine website, so I guess Ultimate is well and truly gone. :sad:

Have you been to the new Maidenhead in Coatbridge yet? I've not spoken to anyone who has, so I'm interested to get some info.

Discovery Aquatics the new one in dundee is very good and the tanks are a lot cleaner than house of pisces.There is a very good selection of tropical and marines
Thanks Tattiescone, I must check out that one too....... I'm going to be busy.. :lol:
NAME: Dobbies Garden Centre (Sandyholm) Rosebank, Clydeside, Lanarkshire

9/10 - Good stock on both tropical and marine, as well as plenty of plants, corals and equiptment. Stock ranges from Neons, Guppies to BGK and Hermit Crabs to Tiger fish, noticed a nice selection off puffers.

9/10 Only misses the top due to the fact of visiting 5 or 6 times and only ever noticed 1 dead fish, a small Clown Loach, another coldwater fancy was looking a bit worse for wear but that's all I've seen.

8/10 Looses 2 as most of the guys seem to know there stuff and offer up advise and help as much as possible, however, I was in with a friend and seen one of the guys just selling fish without asking a single question regarding tank size, other fish in the tank, no advice on feeding, behaviour or anything.

Overall 9/10, Stock is great, one of the best Marine stocks about this area, Tropcial is very good to with the usual fish as well as some special and rarer examples from time to time, staff wise can be hit or miss, some staff are brilliant and ask all the right questions, one fella just seems to give customers anything without asking.
NAME: Maidenhead Aquatics, Kirkshaws Road, Coatbridge (Inside MacKinnon Mills)

10/10. Must be over 150 Tropical Tanks here and they are well stocked with masses of variety in fish. Large selection of tanks and equiptment to suit most people. Massive selection of feeds - dried, frozen and live. Nice meter long Arowana with some lovely Rays in the display cabinet as soon as you walk in.

10/10 - Visited 3 or 4 times and never seen a dead/ill fish. Well filtered tanks and well maintained.

9/10 - Lost a point due to the guy being a bit too friendly (harsh I know) it takes forever to get someone to help as there is only a few staff and they usually like to blether during each bit of advice or sale, its all very good if your the one being dealt with but to wait it a pain.

9.5/10 - Great supplier and excellent advice and as I said, very friendly.
Dobbies Garden Centre, Stirling
- I know, I know, but truely they are really good!!!

Ye, I also heard they order in any fish they can find on request for you, and the fish is quarantined from their providers. if the fish isn't the best of quality when they recive it they will refuse to sell it to you! which in my opinion is great...especially from a garden centre! I haven't actually visited any of the Dobbies gcs before, but they have a good reputation!

any chance of a pin or even a link in the "UK directory" for the topic?

cheers, greg :good:

I'm not to happy at buying fish from Dobbies Garden Centre (EDINBURGH) as about 3 years ago I was kindly given Camallanus :crazy: from buying guppies from them. I went back to the store and saw infected fish. I tried to report the problem to them over the phone and they never got back in touch!

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