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  1. C

    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    whats wrong with the acara?
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    Will This Fishlist Make My Tank Overcrowded?

    The tank is a 300L Juwel Rio, I will be running it with the internal filter that came with it and a tetratec ex 700 external filter. I will probably be doing regular 15-20% water changes once a week. Here is the list: 6 Angelfish 5-6 Boesemans Rainbow 1 Blue Acara 4 Clown Loaches 2 Boliv Rams...
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    Using Aquarium Sealent. Need Help

    I have got a 300L tank full of water atm, there aren't many fish in there, only 4 clown loaches. I got 3 Juwel str 600 backgrounds for my birthday yesterday to fit into my tank, but it allready has water in it. Can I put the glue on the boards and stick it to the tank with water in it? or do I...
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    New Tank Ideas

    there isnt much you can really do with a biord design-wise, so idk
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    Pets At Home

    I think the pets at home in aberdeen is really good for fish, tanks are alqays very clean and I have never seen any dead fish. Also there is one guy there that really knows what he is doing so he is a good help for fishy advice
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    Hi Everyone! Heres My Tank :d

    I have completely revamped my list (im always doing it). Im not getting the balas n e more as they will well outgrow the tank, I might get the BGK sometime in the future, but not for now Here is my new list: 4-6 angelfish 6 boesemans rainbowfish 1 Blue acara 1 male BN 1 exotic pleco 4 clown...
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    Hi Everyone! Heres My Tank :d

    thanks for the feedback everyone, I will be sure to post another tang log when i get my new tabk :D Its coming in a few days, i cant wait!!!!
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    Help With Live Plants Please

    I always use this site as a reference for any tropical fish/plants it is quite usefull. I especially like the banana plant :) What tank do u have, is it a juwel? whats the capacity?
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    Tank Upgrade Questions

    This is an issue I am having to deal with as well, I am moving from a 150 to a 300, and have many expensive fish that I dont want dying when moved to the new tank.
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    My Tank Pictures

    Man I love your tank, Im getting a new 300L in a few days and want a similiar setup to yours. I have a few quaetions. Is the rock formation made of slate? and also what kind of sand are you using? and just one more question, did u get ur bogwood from a pet store?
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    Hi Everyone! Heres My Tank :d

    The ball plant thing is fake :D, i got it at Pets at home. Im kind of getting annoyed with it because it really sticks out when mixed with live plants, and it looks really bad.I think I might just get some java moss to replace it
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    Advice For A 180 Us Gallon Tank

    You could have a rainbow fish tank, they aren't sacry at all, and when kept in good water quality with a varied diet are some of the most colourfull fish you can get. They are also very peacefull and can be kept with smaller fish, I have 6 boeseman rainbows
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    Unidentified Fish

    1st one is a good looking red-tailed shark 2 nd obe I have no idea, looks a bit like a pacu, dont think its a silver dollar id wait for sum1 else for the 2nd one
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    Advice For A 180 Us Gallon Tank

    maybe he is only aware of there being african cichlids
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    Advice For A 180 Us Gallon Tank

    You could maybe go for a south american/central american cichlid tank, with Blue Acara's, Firemouth cichlids, maybe an oscar, a festivum. The thing about the electric yellow cichlid is that it is a lake malawi cichlid and so requires really hard water (high ph), and so will not go with many...
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    60 Gallon(220 Litres) Tank Overstocked?

    yes like this guy said, I was going to get a bala shark for my 300L arriving soon, but was scared out of that when seeing their potential size. ALso check thise video to see how big clowns can really get, this scared the $%£" out of me, because I allready have 4, and I will have to upgrade in a...
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    New Tank List/questions

    Firstly, good idea going for the amazon theme, a 55 gallon reef would put a huge hole in your wallet!!:D Distributions seems fine, the bioload wont be too extreme because you will only really have a couple of larger fish. I have amano shrimp in my tank and they actually hardly do anything to...
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    just googled blue acara and they look amazing, decent size, nice temperment, uv just solved my tank problem indi! thanks :D
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    Hi Guys. Can Someone Answer This Question Urgently Please :)

    ohh rite, well since I didnt get a reply I decided to leave it and decide what sand I want when I get the tank. From what I have read silica sand is really reflective and will wash out the colours of the fish, but play sand is a darker colour and will notreflect as much, is this right?
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    Hi Guys. Can Someone Answer This Question Urgently Please :)

    Im ordering my tank off and they only ship their sand with the aquariums. It is silver silica aquarium sand, is this allright for my tank, or is play sand better? and would 25 kg be enough to cover a 121 cm tank? The sand is 15 quid for the 25 kg bag. thanks for any help...
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    no probs indi from what I have read gold severums will destroy my live plants, so im nopt going to get one of those. What has a more docile nature. a firemouth or a festivum. is there n e other docile type cichlid that I am forgetting? I think I will get a single specimen of either a firemouth...
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    I like that idea, and that is basically what I am doing, |I will have a school of 6 boesemans. but the medium sized fish to go with the centre piece. idk. maybe a gold severum as the centrepiece and a festivum or firemouth cichlid. god im really stumped, dont know what combo to go for. I have...
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    ok so what would you suggest then? Ill be using the internal filter that comes with the tank and a tetratec ex 700. i dont want to take back the clowns, and im pretty sure kuhlii's dont produce very much waste. should I re-home the bn?
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    lol indi r u like mad at me or sumtin cause I am in a different forum, im sorry I am cheating on tropical fish forums:D. I wanted some different opinions on the matter. and as you have prob read im still deciding on the fish, and im not getting balas ne more. and I am ASKING about compatability
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    Allright thanks for all the feedback guys, what a good forum:D Thanks for the heads up on the balas, seen a few vids on youtube of them fully grown and they get huge! so I wont be getting them anymore. I have decided to rehome the neons into a tank with my male betta at my bedside, so they are...
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    would it be better to vet a few? I have heard than one they get very territorial
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    What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

    As you mightv read I am getting a new 300 litre tank in a few weeks and wanted to ask you guys if these tankmates are allright. I am putting 3 boeseman rainbows, 1 irian red rainbow, 4 clown loaches, 2 boliv rams, 3 kuhlii's, 3 pakistani loaches, 7 neon tetras, 1 bn pleco from my old tank...
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    Hi Everyone! Relatively New To Fishkeeping. Have A Few Questions:)

    Hi all! I have been keeping a tropical aquarium for about a year now and am looking to upgrade my tank from a 120L to a 300L. I currently own: 3 boeseman rainbows 1 red guinea rainbow 12 neon tetras 4 clown loaches 3 zebra loaches 3 coolie loaches 1 BN plec 2 chinese ae 2 bolivian rams and 4...
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    Hi Everyone! Heres My Tank :d

    Hello all, was cruising the web and came across this site which is great. I have had a 150 litre tank for almost a year now and am getting a 300 litre in a few weeks. So I was doing some fish research as I came across this forum! here are some pics of my current tank. it is running off a...