Hi Everyone! Heres My Tank :d


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2008
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Hello all, was cruising the web and came across this site which is great. I have had a 150 litre tank for almost a year now and am getting a 300 litre in a few weeks. So I was doing some fish research as I came across this forum!

here are some pics of my current tank.

it is running off a tetratec ex 700 and a blu-wave 05 internal.

I have

3 boeseman rainbows
1 red guinea rainbow
14 neon tetras
4 clown loaches
3 zebra loaches
3 kuhlii loaches
2 bolivian rams
2 cae
1 bristlenose pleco
and like 4 shrimp

here they are:







The 300 litre tank I will be getting soon. I am planning for it to be a planted tank with a sand substrate (pea gravel is really ugly imo). I am also looking for some big fish to put in the tank. Since most of the fish I have now are quite small. The tank I am getting is a juwel rio 300

Heres what I might be getting:

-a large pleco. perhaps a king tiger.
- 3 bala sharks.
- 1 bgk
- 2 angelfish.
hi and welcome. Nice looking rainbowfish you have there. Some little boesemani and a male incisus. The plants look good too but I'm thinking the ball in the middle is plastic :)
Anyway hope you enjoy yourself while your here and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them.
I like the bogwood and the ball plant thingy, what is it?



The ball plant thing is fake :D, i got it at Pets at home. Im kind of getting annoyed with it because it really sticks out when mixed with live plants, and it looks really bad.I think I might just get some java moss to replace it
The ball plant thing is fake :D Im kind of getting annoyed with it because it really sticks out when mixed with live plants, and it looks really bad. I think I might just get some java moss to replace it
You can usually pull the ball thing apart and get 2 halves from it. Then you can have a couple of domes instead of a a ball. You can also pull the plant pieces off the ball and grow java moss through it.
welcome to the board

lovely looking tank by the way

I really liked the look of the ball.. didn't look fake on photos!! :good:
I like your tank, and it's great that you're upgrading.

-a large pleco. perhaps a king tiger. - great
- 3 bala sharks. - Will eat neons and shrimps
- 1 bgk - Will eat neons and shrimps
- 2 angelfish. - May eat neons and shrimps if adults are added.

I'm surprised your loaches haven't eaten the shrimps.
Nice tank, and I have the same plastic ball plant thingy, except mine floats on the top and wanders round the tank in the current. I think it looks quite cool and the fish like hiding under it sometimes. Maybe you can take a weight off of it to make it float and see if you like it better?
thanks for the feedback everyone, I will be sure to post another tang log when i get my new tabk :D

Its coming in a few days, i cant wait!!!!
I like your tank, and it's great that you're upgrading.

-a large pleco. perhaps a king tiger. - great
- 3 bala sharks. - Will eat neons and shrimps
- 1 bgk - Will eat neons and shrimps
- 2 angelfish. - May eat neons and shrimps if adults are added.

I'm surprised your loaches haven't eaten the shrimps.

I have completely revamped my list (im always doing it).

Im not getting the balas n e more as they will well outgrow the tank, I might get the BGK sometime in the future, but not for now

Here is my new list:

4-6 angelfish
6 boesemans rainbowfish
1 Blue acara
1 male BN
1 exotic pleco
4 clown loaches
2 boliv rams
3 kuhlii loaches

also might get a shoal of large tetras, would u guys recomend any specific types?

With regards to the neons, I am putting them in a smaller tank at my bedside with the shrimp and a betta. so noone will get eaten:D
"also might get a shoal of large tetras, would u guys recomend any specific types?"

i'd recommend congo tetras

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