What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?

If you really want a large pretty fish. Go with "one" such as the Severum. That is what I have as a centerpiece fish. Then you could add a school of some sort, a plec, and some loaches. Maybe a smaller shark of some sort or one medium sized fish that will not eat your school and get along with the severum.

I like that idea, and that is basically what I am doing, |I will have a school of 6 boesemans. but the medium sized fish to go with the centre piece. idk. maybe a gold severum as the centrepiece and a festivum or firemouth cichlid. god im really stumped, dont know what combo to go for. I have got plenty of time, but want to get this decided soon;/
Here is my Severum. I can't speak for others but mine is very docile and doesn't bother anybody. I have him with an Opaline Gourami and 3 Red Tail Tinfoil Barbs. Red tails get up to 8"....not 14" like the regular ones. I am now looking for a shoal of fish to add and a plec and then I will be maxed out in the tank.


Severum tankmates
Cam, I'm not mad at you, sorry if it came across that way. I'm just concerned for the welfare of the fish AND for you - I don't want you ending up losing fish or having tank problems because of the stocking.
no probs indi

from what I have read gold severums will destroy my live plants, so im nopt going to get one of those.

What has a more docile nature. a firemouth or a festivum. is there n e other docile type cichlid that I am forgetting? I think I will get a single specimen of either a firemouth or a festivum and an even number of angels, either 2 or 4, probably 2 though.

I like the look of a black veil angel and a marble veil angel
My mate (very into cichlids) has suggested a blue acara?

I agree, provided there is nothing too small in the tank then a blue acara would be a great addition,

I kept a female for a few years, her tankmates then included a pair of angels, clown loach, and a BN amongst others.
no probs indi

from what I have read gold severums will destroy my live plants, so im nopt going to get one of those.

What has a more docile nature. a firemouth or a festivum. is there n e other docile type cichlid that I am forgetting? I think I will get a single specimen of either a firemouth or a festivum and an even number of angels, either 2 or 4, probably 2 though.

I like the look of a black veil angel and a marble veil angel

I find severums to be hit and miss, I have a gold sev in a heavily planted tank and he doesn't touch them! Maybe a chocolate cichlid? Gets to about 12" and is peaceful. I'm getting both a chocolate and sev in my new tank which is about the same size as yours.

Two angels would be good, maybe look into a Koi angel, I like them along with the black and marbles.
My mate (very into cichlids) has suggested a blue acara?

just googled blue acara and they look amazing, decent size, nice temperment, uv just solved my tank problem indi! thanks :D

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