Pets At Home


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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I have just witnessed why you all hate pets at home. I sometimes go to the pets at home near my parents and have always thought it was quite good. I decided to go to the 1 near me and 1 word describes it... YUCK!

There was however a gorgeous looking male krib (which I have been looking for for ages) and in his tank were 5 dead, half rotten kribs and the tank was almost black with dirt. As he was such a nice looking krib (and I felt sorry for him) I decided to buy him :/ I have put him in a quarentine tank and right now he is sitting at the bottom gasping but still has nice bright colours.

Does anyone have advice how maybe I can help him recover after being kept in such bad condition??
Just keep water parameters perfect, dont provide too much flow and he should be fine. Add an air pump to increase o2 levels (you probs have already).
Must fish i have bought which were kept in abd conditions have recovered amazingly for me :D
I'll be honest i've never seen a nice pets at home fish department, and i've visited about 4 near me. Their fishes are never in a good condition. And their dry goods always seem more expensive than my LFS's that I use.

Good luck with the krib. Just keep the water in top condition, it may be worth treating with interpet 9 anti internal bacteria or melafix just to get rid of anything nasty he might have picked up. Hope he recovers.
I remember going to a good pets at home, I can't remember where it was as I was on holiday and we stopped at this town for rest, it was near the car park so we went in. This shop seemed to be more focused on fish, with alot of tanks and only a few isle of dog/cat/bird stuff (different to my local where about 1/5th is fish.
I think the pets at home in aberdeen is really good for fish, tanks are alqays very clean and I have never seen any dead fish. Also there is one guy there that really knows what he is doing so he is a good help for fishy advice
pet at home wrexham are great...
except on the they put male fighters in with tetras and guppies so both fish suffer....and the blue rams seem a bit ill at the mo!
and the silver mollie are always jumping out!
I think quite a few have refurbished their fishkeeping departments, some are even selling marines. I just hope they have got good knowledgeable staff that will keep the standards high in these departments.
The one in Bolton is good. The bloke in charge of the fish is a real fish addict and knows his stuff.
So much depends on the staff I think. One near my home town used to be good when there was a very knowledgable fish bloke working in management/supervisory level. I went back since he left and it had gone right down hill.

I once looked at an ad for jobs at pets at home and I seem to remember that all the skills they wanted were customer-related and didn't ask for experience/knowledge about animals.
I think quite a few have refurbished their fishkeeping departments, some are even selling marines. I just hope they have got good knowledgeable staff that will keep the standards high in these departments.
Serious....marine! Wow! :hyper:
But then again you get ones that you see a real nice fish, like when i saw a lovely deep red female betta, you ask the assistant, "Could i please have a female betta?"
"A what?"
"A siamese fighting fish?"
"We dont have any in im afraid!"
And you think you stupid girl! Theyre in the tank right in front of you with a sign saying Female siamese fighting fish-£2.50 ea!
Its quite funny near my area, as the real crap holes have good Pets at home and the nice places have crap ones for example

I went to Pitsea and everytime I go there, theres always someone cleaning/looking after the fish, the tanks are pristine.

I went to chelmsford which is alot posher then pitsea and half the tanks I couldnt see into, one tank had no lies about 30 goldfish type things which were all about 7-10inches long and 4inches wide and the tank was about 5 gallon.

THE LFS near my are amazing two of them, I give them about 10/10 :p, this is in billericay
My girlfriend has justed started working in the P@H near me, the company are going through a big overhaul apparently. Certain stores are 'pioneering' this new overhaul, the store she is in is one of them and she really thinks that they're not too bad with fish in there, she also likes to give advice to staff and customers and the staff are really big on the fish section in the store.

They are also allowed to refuse fish sales if the staff are not happy. I think these are really good things.
My girlfriend has justed started working in the P@H near me, the company are going through a big overhaul apparently. Certain stores are 'pioneering' this new overhaul, the store she is in is one of them and she really thinks that they're not too bad with fish in there, she also likes to give advice to staff and customers and the staff are really big on the fish section in the store.

They are also allowed to refuse fish sales if the staff are not happy. I think these are really good things.

Cannot agree More, The one i went to last night with the Wife Was brilliant (Canley, Coventry). The Staff asked all the questions i would expect good LFS staff to ask. And they actually knew what they were talking about.
i remember i was standing next to someone in a pets at home near me and they asked what this fish was in the tank in front of her and pointed it out, the staff told the customer that it was a shovelnose catfish it was actually a "figure eight puffer"!! I mean how can u get these confused i had to tell the customer as its not fair! :crazy:

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