My Tank Pictures

Man I love your tank, Im getting a new 300L in a few days and want a similiar setup to yours. I have a few quaetions. Is the rock formation made of slate? and also what kind of sand are you using? and just one more question, did u get ur bogwood from a pet store?
Man I love your tank, Im getting a new 300L in a few days and want a similiar setup to yours. I have a few quaetions. Is the rock formation made of slate? and also what kind of sand are you using? and just one more question, did u get ur bogwood from a pet store?

The rock formations are not slate. They are various rocks that i got from a local landscaping place. All were tested to make sure they weren't toxic and don't raise the ph. I tried slate, but it was too thin for my taste. The sand is just regular old play sand. I bought it at Lowes and washed the heck out of it. It looked dark when i put it in there but it lightened up. The key to is to move it around every once in a while so it doesn't compact or stagnate. The fact that the fish poo just lays on top is a big bonus. Easy to clean once you get the technique down.

The wood is Mopani wood bought at Petco at various times. It was an average of like $8 per piece. Not bad at all. It does seem to lower the Ph a lot as I haven't been able to keep it at 7.
lovely set-up. and the clowns look so good together :lol:. just a question, are the rocks (slate look alike) glued together? you dont want to have them coming down and damaging your tank. if you're not too keen on stirring up the sand everynow and then, you could get some khulis or trumpet snails, small species of spiney eels even
lovely set-up. and the clowns look so good together :lol:. just a question, are the rocks (slate look alike) glued together? you dont want to have them coming down and damaging your tank. if you're not too keen on stirring up the sand everynow and then, you could get some khulis or trumpet snails, small species of spiney eels even

rocks are not glued together, but its very, very sturdy. I took great care to make sure it was perfectly balanced.

and i don't mind moving the sand around. Not a big deal. I guess i could get some snails eventually, although who knows whether they would survive with the loaches.

got some new plants today too. I'll post updated pics tonight after the room gets dark.
A few new plants and an update full tank shot....

Some new shots. Added a bunch of plants, some fish and went through a new cycle (Ph dropped too low to support bacteria due to no buffering capacity) Still dealing with some algae from the cycle, but it's improving...



Like i said, there is still some algae, but it's clearing up. All inhabitants getting along well.
some new shots





just dropped the java moss in for the moment. I'm gonna give it a few weeks to grow before i split it up and start tying it down to everything.
Some new ones. It's really packed full of plants now. Hairgrass isn't growing in well. No runners popping up yet. Not sure what the problem is. I'm doing chain sword on the other side....






another update...

have been dealing with algae of various kinds (mostly brown, some black brush and a little green after a week of vacation) I've cut my fertilizer schedule in half and have gone to a two hour mid day siesta. I also went to the not so local fish store and bought up a whole lot of stem plants. I also added the large piece of drift wood on the right side as well as a few other plants. Also new to the tank are a young pair of german blue rams (at least i hope they will be a pair) and a young red tail shark. (less than 2 inches long) Having some cory issues, as 2 of my pandas have been showing some behavior that would indicate shock. (flailing around followed by laying on their side) 1 died, the other seems fine at the moment. hopefully it will improve. Here are some new pics. the floating stuff is java fern that i haven't decided where to place yet. I'm letting the moss grow for another week or so as well.





Some New pictures. My blue rams died again. They are just too fragile. I'm trying gold rams. If they don't work out, I'll have to try some hardier dwarf cichlids. Also put in a small group of ottos to deal with the brown algae(didn't scrape any off yesterday, so i apologize for some of the pics) I also bought some more panda cories, as the trio i had were doing well. At this point, the only plants i plan on adding are some red tiger lotus. After that, I'll let it sit for a few months to see how everything grows in. I think i may have to take out the microsword at some point, but I'm not giving up hope yet. I also bought a tall piece of wood for the left side, so a few of the smaller pieces will probably have to go. We'll see.

Not totally happy with it yet, but I'm starting to get sort of the look i want.





Thats comming along great!!! What is the WPG in that tank?

Well, I've got 2 54 watt bulbs. one of them is a pink plant growth bulb. So, i guess its like 1.44 WPG. But i don't know if the the plant growth bulb does anything.

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