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  1. C

    Juwel Rio 240 Tank, Stand, Eheim 2028, Overhead 3x T5, Co2 Reg ++

    Tank etc all now sold (off forum). Cheers, Phil
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    Juwel Rio 240 Tank, Stand, Eheim 2028, Overhead 3x T5, Co2 Reg ++

    Hi srm1937, I'm hoping to sell it as a complete setup, and the CO2 reg is a bit of a sweetener (I hope). But if I don't get any interest I will consider splitting it up and let you know. Cheers, Phil
  3. C

    Juwel Rio 240 Tank, Stand, Eheim 2028, Overhead 3x T5, Co2 Reg ++

    After many years I am temporarily giving up fish keeping so I have my complete setup for sale: Juwel Rio 240 tank and matching Juwel stand in black. Original Juwel pump, heater and lights / hood (2x T8 unit). 3x T5 overtank light (Arcadia Luminaire style). Hydor external inline heater. Eheim...
  4. C

    Juwel 240 Light Problem

    Well I'm not sure about building one for cheaper. If you buy a Juwel one now, you could get the T5 HiLite version (which i presume you don't have) which has a greater output and so is better for plants. Alternatively you could look at the Arcadia I-Bar which is basically like te Juwel unit but...
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    UK Fish Store Directory

    My "local" is the great... Cumbria Aquapets, Workington, Cumbria Tel: 01900 604929 Variety - 7 (Small place but good variety of fish. Very good for its size. Get unusual stock for a small place too) Quality - 8 (clean and well kept, sometimes heavily stocked just after deliveries but only for...
  6. C

    white film on tank

    Its pretty unlikely its the cories. Sand doesnt stick and makes the water cloudy, but its so fine, it also actually looks like sand... My best guess is its the meds. If your done with the treatement, then get the cardon back in (provided its still fresh) and see if it clears it up. A similar...
  7. C

    Shipping Live Fish

    it depends on the carrier. But ive had fish shipped to me in "Carful Live Animals" card boxes with the top clearly marked! Then inside is a snugly fitting 2/3inch expanded polystyrene box for insulation. The fish are then in rounded corner poly bags (or freezer bags with the corners tied off)...
  8. C

    white film on tank

    i dont know im afraid. but a few more details may help clear it up. is it a newly set up tank? Is the white stuff throughout the water? Or just near the surface like a scum? Have you made any changes to hte tank/water parameters changed recently? i hope it gets sorted soon.phil
  9. C

    keeping driftwood down?

    were they 'pre-wetted'? I normally find i have to leave them in the bath/bowl of water or something for a day or three to let them get fully soaked before theyll stay down by themselves. More to the point, unless its a naturally bouyant bit, it should be fine in a day or two. possibly. all the...
  10. C

    bottom feeders for my bros 60L?

    What are the approximate dimentions of the tank? (so we have an ides of swimming room). Do you want one/some for cleaning? or interest? Bottom feeders dont eat fish waste, but do eat algae and missed food so help prevent too much waste. They will need feeding too tho! Some possibles for now -...
  11. C

    L010a Red whiptail catfish

    planet catfish have some info. one thing that might help,there listed there, and a few other places (searching by the L mnumber) as Red Lizard Catfish. Theres plenty of articles on breeding, which may have some helpful bits in if...
  12. C

    is it really a claro?

    this was him as a baby, before he developed the white tip tail. hes also normally almost black now, tho occasionally gets yellow stripes or goes brown. Oh, and hes grown his bristles too. ill try and get a half decent recent pic tonight, but hes pretty shy. thanks for your help.phil
  13. C

    Catfish ID?

    What size did the label say? There are giraffe catfish (36") and also dwarf girafe catfish (8"). Do either of those sizes sound right? Its possible the latter was labelled 'false' instead of dwarf for some reason. theres pics of both over at all the best.phil
  14. C

    is it really a claro?

    I was sold an Ancistrus claro (LDA08) by Trimar, a reputable and normally pretty good dealer about a year ago. Now everything ive read suggests that these claro reach only 2.8 or 3 inches at the most. Is this body only? As Boris is now approximately 5 inches with tail. Also, whilst when very...
  15. C

    Synodontis Ocellifer Catfish

    I dont know how much you already know but planetcatfish has a little info., then catelog, then scientific names, then click on yours. Just basic info but it may help. All the best.phil
  16. C

    ancistrus claro LDA08 care

    i dont have any pictures yet but will take some soon. ill post in you when i do. good luck tracking some down. phil
  17. C

    broken guppy....

    Thanks for your help. Sadly when i got up this morning the little girl was dead. But ill keep an eye on the others gills and get some frozen foods. all the best.phil
  18. C

    Choosing a Cory species for new tank

    I faced the exact same choice for hte same reason and went for the sterbai. there great little fish and real good looking, especially as i have a light (sand) substrate so their colour stands out. they also look good at night when their spots 'shine' in the darkness. But like the previous poster...
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    ancistrus claro LDA08 care

    Thanks. That puts my mind at rest a bit, i hadnt been able to find much info on these chaps at all. Thay are amazing fish though and should be called chameleon bristlenoses (as i think planet catfish it is, suggests), he goes from jet black on when on the back wall of my tank to gold with black...
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    broken guppy....

    I recently introduced some new female guppies to my tank. one of them (1 week ish later) is having trouble staying upright, keeps floating onto her side then fighting upright again. Also, she isnt swimming right, if this makes sense, she is swimming with her head not her tail, and is just going...
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    Rubber-Lipped Pleco

    I couldnt find much info im afraid, but on planet catfish there not in the common name index but if you search it comes up with this article about breeding and suggests they are actually the bulldog pleco/rubbernose pleco. However im...
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    The Best Test?

    i cant comment on exactly how accurate they are but ive never had a problem with them. and i think PFK (uk fish mag) gave them a good write up a while back. there very convienient, just a shame they dont have ammonia on there too. oh, one thing, make sure you obey the 'dip then leave for 60...
  23. C

    have 3 cories, 1 is a loner

    i dont know, but i have 3 sterbai corys and 2 are like you say, inseperable, and whilst the 3rd is with them only half the time so i worried a little. But then as they grew i realised i had 2 males and 1 female (1 male and 1 female in the 2 that stick together) so i think its just that theyve...
  24. C

    ancistrus claro LDA08 care

    I have one arriving tomorrow :D and was just wondering if you guys had anything to add to what ive fouind on the web about thier care. basically what i read said there just like your 'standard' bristlenose (temenniki?), and have the same diet and requirements. Anyone with any experience...
  25. C

    Coolie Loach

    There so cute :wub: ...(each to thier own remember), i cant wait to get some. As soon as i move and the new tank settles there the first new inhabitants. I think maybe ill get a handful. all the best.phil
  26. C

    looking for a python

    These lot have them: im sure there are others too. try searching google for them if you want to check around for prices etc. all the best.phil
  27. C


    I know its not funny but it always makes me laugh - the arrogance of some consumers - you were trying to do this woman a favour, (in saving her from being cruel and upset kids when they die, not to mention the wasted money), just because you didnt have a name badge she presumed you were lying...
  28. C

    im i ?

    and ppl really should put city and country, or just country - there is often confusion especially what with half of the us cities copying our names :P , not that its our fault for bieng uninventive when we named them at all...
  29. C

    Substrate Change

    How about mixing them? I dont know if it works/is feasible - id quite like to know as id like to change to mostly sand but avoid re-cycling and part changing isnt really practicle for me. What if you (having emptyed the tank and cleaned the sand) removed say half or 2 thirds of the gravel then...
  30. C

    cleaning question

    thanks for all your help guys. phil
  31. C

    major house move

    Thanks for your advice ppl. Ill get on the water asap, common sense i guess but something i overlooked... Tropjunkey - good idea, i can cope with the electrics thanks. The blacket sounds good, id thought about keeping them in a cool box for insulation/temp stability but not actively heating...
  32. C

    My Paleatus

    sweet! thats another for my list. do fish have to bo so cool!?!?! :D later.phil
  33. C

    cleaning question

    Thanks guys. I was just a little worried about having to disturb them loads every week. Thanks for this tip, i am actually planning to have most of the space covered with drift wood like a root network type affair, but ill remember to leave plenty of floor too, even if it is hidden from the...
  34. C

    major house move

    Im moving house mid next month, its an 8 hour (give or take) journey. I have no way of moving them to a relative half way up for a few months or anything, its one big slog. Im getting real nervus as its such a long journey. So do you have any good advice? How do fish transporters do it? Or...
  35. C

    cleaning question

    Ive had my tank running smoothly for about 7months now (thanks for all the help everyone! :D the bit of reading first reallyhelped it all go smoothly) and am considering getting another and splitting it into one 'show' tank of guppies and the other of my cories and some other bottom chaps...
  36. C

    Another cute close-up

    Sweet pic. Impressively sharp. I say it loks like a 'Borris'. regards, C
  37. C

    whites hair mould/algae stuff returns!!!!!!

    Thanks you both ill give it a go...the salt thing should have spurred something from A level biology...if id thought id know it would kill most bacteria and life in general, and plants... oh well, senility before middle age isnt always bad... all the best, C
  38. C

    whites hair mould/algae stuff returns!!!!!!

    Thanks for the suggestion, ill get soaking that wood. One thing tho - id like to treat the tank, without draining due to the plants, if possible - would the plants survive the salt? Or would i have to find an aquarium safe fungicide for this? Thanks for your help, :D C
  39. C

    whites hair mould/algae stuff returns!!!!!!

    I posted this last time it happened... " I was about to cycle my tank but then went on holiday so had it fed a little (half pinch every 2 weeks) whilst i was away. Now im back and the mopani in it has a white hair looking stuff on it - but in some areas theres some white solid type stuff (flat...
  40. C

    plant selection - ok?

    Thanks Wiliam. Ill check them out. all the best, C