cleaning question


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2003
Reaction score
Newmarket, England
Ive had my tank running smoothly for about 7months now (thanks for all the help everyone! :D the bit of reading first reallyhelped it all go smoothly) and am considering getting another and splitting it into one 'show' tank of guppies and the other of my cories and some other bottom chaps, hopefully the kuhlies ive always wanted too. If i do this thier tank would be heavilly wooded without much accessible floor space.

So my question is - how do you clean it? do you move it about carefully to clean underneath or do you just clean the accessible areas? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks again.phil
Most of the time I would just clean the open spaces. Then every 6 weeks or so I would clean around/under as much as I could without disturbing too much.
cecilbdemented said:
.... If i do this thier tank would be heavilly wooded without much accessible floor space.
Hi cecilbdemented :)

IMHO, while a very densely planted tank is lovely, it's more suited to mid-level or top dwelling fish than it would be for corys. :/

Since they live on the bottom, they do need to have lots of space there. Corys spend as much, or more, time "sitting" as they do swimming.
Thanks guys. I was just a little worried about having to disturb them loads every week.

very densely planted tank is lovely, it's more suited to mid-level or top dwelling fish than it would be for corys
Thanks for this tip, i am actually planning to have most of the space covered with drift wood like a root network type affair, but ill remember to leave plenty of floor too, even if it is hidden from the top.
i cant wait now, if the house move goes well then i may end up with a MTS problem...

all the best.phil
Like cat lover said...just clean what you can get 2...and maybe everytime you vac lift /move a piece and clean under that 1 spot..and then another the next time..My tank has alot of rocks and caves and i just usually clean what i can and it works ok :D
Hi cecilbdemented :)

That sounds like an interesting arrangement. :nod: Just be sure that they can freely dart up to the surface when they need to get a gulp of air.

The really good part is that any fry that might get born in there will have a good chance of survival. :thumbs:

I'd be interesting in learning how well this works for you.

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