whites hair mould/algae stuff returns!!!!!!


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2003
Reaction score
Newmarket, England
I posted this last time it happened...

I was about to cycle my tank but then went on holiday so had it fed a little (half pinch every 2 weeks) whilst i was away.
Now im back and the mopani in it has a white hair looking stuff on it - but in some areas theres some white solid type stuff (flat to the wood - like white paint), and a bit of black stuff here and there.
How do i get rid of it? i want to make sure i have a clean tank before going any further.

I took it out, boiled it for a few days and scrubbed like mad. Drained the tank and let it sit for about 4 days - though it wouldnt have dried out completely.
Then i refilled it and replaced the wood - all looked great for 3 weeks or so, so i added another piece of wod, another week of fine, then i planted - 2 days later i noticed (probably there before i just couldnt/didnt see it) the white hair stuff is back on both pieces of wood.

The tank had heavy dose of API algae destroyer i got free a while back. And its also had ammonia (up to 5ppm approx), stress coat and stress zyme floating about in it at various times if it helps.

Anyone got more suggestions? Its only on the wood.
This is really getting on my nerves... :crazy:

last time fungicide was suggested, any ideas on make etc? would it do do you think?

thanks for your help and sorry for the long post. :/
I'd soak it in a fairly strong salt solution - salt kills fungus very effectively.
Thanks for the suggestion, ill get soaking that wood. One thing tho - id like to treat the tank, without draining due to the plants, if possible - would the plants survive the salt? Or would i have to find an aquarium safe fungicide for this?
Thanks for your help, :D
cecilbdemented said:
Thanks for the suggestion, ill get soaking that wood. One thing tho - id like to treat the tank, without draining due to the plants, if possible - would the plants survive the salt? Or would i have to find an aquarium safe fungicide for this?
Thanks for your help, :D
I was antipating you removing the wood and soaking it because a strong salt solution would kill your plants and your beneficial bacteria.
I'm with Alien Anna on soaking the wood in a strong salt solution. I once had the same problem with a newly purchased chunk of driftwood. I soaked it for a few days with the salt, and have never seen the problem again. I've also found that this salt soaking method will also get rid of algae if it's over abundant on the wood. A lot easier than scrubbing. I don't exactly know the quantity of salt that I used, I just dumped a whole bunch in the tub. After letting it soak in the salty water, I let it soak a couple days in freshwater (changing the water a couple times a day) to get rid of excess salt. Hope that helps.
Thanks you both ill give it a go...the salt thing should have spurred something from A level biology...if id thought id know it would kill most bacteria and life in general, and plants...
oh well, senility before middle age isnt always bad...
all the best,
Sounds like the same stuff I had growing on my driftwood. Got myself a couple of Bristlenoses and now its all gone. The wood looks like its been hand polished!

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